How Long?

01/12/2017 21:10

Hello friend.

Welcome to Jesus is Lord.

Maybe you are a returning visitor hoping to find a kernel of Truth for your weary thoughts.

Maybe you have come ready to scorn what you may find.

If so, this blog post is for you.

The Holy Spirit asks, "How long will you wander in the wilderness?"

It is nothing new, this "fist against God." This wandering amongst other ways and beliefs, keeping the head turned away from Him.

Millions of souls have been lost, with fist in air as they leave this earth, only to find immediately in the afterlife, that God does exist and they have left it too late to find Redemption.

Hell is full of souls who left it too late, assuming many things, other than God is Holy and is in Control of All Things and that there is Law that governs all of everything, both this life and the afterlife.

We are subject to God's Law, because we are His creation.

Who knows how long God existed before He created man "in His Image."

The Bible says from Everlasting to Everlasting, God exists. We; man with his soul and spirit in God's image, were not given the right to be born on this earth until fairly recently; 6,000 years as the bible tells it.

We are not the "be all" and "end all of" God's creation. And He loves His whole Creation.

We are just a part of it, and His Law governs what we can and cannot have.

Man likes to think he is so important and everything he does is good and great; so deserving of blessings to be heaped on him!

God says no, there is none good (having the ability to enter Heaven without the Son's Sacrifice), not one.

We are imporant to God in that He has given us a last chance to be reunited with Him in the Holy Kingdom.

He has set a Law that is anchored by the Blood of His Son. The Blood of His Son whom we call Jesus.

This Law offers us Hope in Eternity of a life with God where Joy and Love reign.

The alternative being a life of regret where sorrow and pain of the soul and spirit are devoid of any hope. They will live away from His Presence which is the Lifegiver; Lifefulfiller. 

Jesus is a direct descendant of Abraham and Sarah. His lineage can be traced in the Old Testament. We learn of the pure line of Godly men and women who were chosen by God in those Books.

Everything God does is Perfect and Whole, Holy.

When we accept the Gift of God; the Sacrifical Death and Blood shed by His Only Son; recognize Jesus, we have completed the first step in the process of our restoration, to Him.

The acceptance by us is a leap of faith and God rewards it.

He knows we have not seen, yet we have believed.

It is the work of the Holy Spirit. For years the Spirit works within our hearts to reveal Jesus to us.

Jesus stands at the door of our heart, knocking.

Will you allow Him to enter, today?