Idol Worship

08/08/2014 15:42

We serve a living God.

He is not a statue.  There is no grave. 

We can bow down to  a Christian cross and say "Thank you for the Cross, Lord.  For the Plan of redemption which the Father had and You fulfilled, thereby defeating Satan."  It is a symbol, not anything more.

Satan thought he had defeated God by bringing Jesus the Heir to the cross.  But God had a bigger Plan of which Satan could not know because he is not God. 

In sacrificing Himself, He would show by His Resurrection that Jesus was God the Son indeed.

When the disciples saw Jesus alive after the Resurrection, they understood that He truly was God the Son just as He had told them.  It was then their job to be the Disciples He had taught them to be and spread the Good News to those who were called to be God's children - brothers and sisters to Christ.

Satan was actually defeated at the Cross.  He is now on what we would call "probation". And he is violating his probation. So it won't be good for him and his followers when God calls "time". 

The Great Judge will sentence Satan to his true sentence when the time is right.

Will you be sentenced with Satan? Or will you be in the court of the Judges?

We do not know the hour when God will say that time is over and the Judgement is at hand.

You or I will never outthink God.  He invites you now to join Him and give your allegiance and love to His Son, Jesus.

My friend, will you do it?