Meditation - 1 John 2:15

10/01/2017 21:26
Meditation Verse
Scripture Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 1 John 2:15  KJV
The Apostle John wrote this letter to believers, instructing them on how to live a Christian life.
In this short verse he sums up how we are to look inward to our own life, to see if we love the world and the things of the world, more than we love God.
In other words; who comes first in our lives.
Is it the love of the planet?
Is it the love of the things created by God; animal, bird, fish, the earth? 
Is it our family, loved ones, friends? 
Is it the things man has created; home, auto, toys? 
Is it someone; an entertainer, a philosopher, our cultural heritage, a certain way of living?
All these things are allowable. 
But they should never overpower or come first; before our love for Him who created, and gave us the Spirit that is in us.
He gave the Spirit to us for His own pleasure, knowing that He would abundantly give us, the same pleasure when we return in this lifetime, to Him fully comitted  to Him, never wavering in faith.
That pleasure is one on one communing with God as Friend and Confidant.
The evil in this world desires to hide this from us.
It is jealous of what we can have with God; because it no longer has the pleasure of God's company. Evil is under Judgement and just using up it's alloted time - as if on parole at the moment. But all that is changing. Just as we know that after a hearing we will go to court and receive a sentence of some kind of punishment, evil's Judgement is looming nigh because it has violated it's parole agreement so to speak.
It knows of the magnificence of the one who is called "I Am That I Am". 
Evil has found that turning it's back on God was not the best idea. 
It's only hope is to gather more and more like minded souls to itself.
Will God pay attention when He sees the numbers of souls that satan accumulates?
Is God afraid? 
I know He is not and He could never be. 
The numbers won't matter to Him at the end. 
Now they do. 
He does not want any more souls to perish to evil than have already done so. 
He sets the Cross before you to meditate on it's meaning.
Lord, thank You for this warning.This world is very bold in it's attempts to entice me and I have fallen many times. Thank You for Your forgiveness and the peace it gives when I confess to You. Help me to meditate day and night on Your Word and to come toYou daily. I want to have open communication with You  24/7. Inhabit my life, my mind, body and soul and teach me Your Ways until I leave this earth to go to be with You in Spirit.  Amen.

For when you meditate it should be upon God and His Will and Law.