Meditation Verse - Psalm 49:16-20

09/27/2017 08:49
Meditation Verse
Be thou not afraid when one is made rich, when the glory of his house in increased; for when he dieth he shall carry nothing away: his glory shall not descend after him.Though while he lived he blessed his soul. And men will praise thee, when thou doest well to thyself. He shall go to the generation of his fathers; they shall never see light. Man that is in honour, and understandeth not, is like the beasts that perish.  Psalm 49:16-20
These  five verses tell us how God sees all men. 
No one type, position, or riches, places one human above another. 
Only the Blood of Jesus, covering a soul, will turn God's wrath away.
The Spirit tells us that we should not worry or try to be competitive with the rich in order to gain favour with God.
What gains of riches and position we make here on earth are solely for the fulfilling of our fleshly desires and will not bring us everlasting life.
And, what gains and riches God gives to us are for the fulfilling of His Will on earth.
A rich man cannot redeem his spouse or brother, nor give a ransom to God for a child. 
He has no other advantage than the poorest person. 
Giving to God with a cheerful heart is favourable but it should be remembered that a penny given by a poor person is equal to millions given by a wealthy man.
Yes, we should give and God will restore, but only give with a right heart.
Riches alone cannot get a man to heaven, and God does not acknowledge the proud and haughty.
Those who have worldly honour but do not understand Godly things will perish with the unsaved.
Men will praise the rich and mighty of this earth but God sees the heart. 
Praise God that there are men like Abraham, King David and King Solomon who had great wealth and who were continually blessed by God, living today. 
The richest have the hardest journey in their Christian walk and much is required of them by God.
Lord, thank You for showing me this Wisdom.  Help me not to judge the rich man, but to be a blessing to them, pointing the Way to everlasting life with You for Your Word says that You desire that none should perish.  Amen.