The Lordship Of Christ

05/19/2017 21:19

Friend, The Holy Spirit advises us in the Holy Bible to walk in Christ; when we have received Him as Lord and Saviour.

Surrendering to Him and His Will, and Law opens doors that were once locked to us.

There are benefits to committing to Jesus as Lord.

He is our Healer, and He baptizes us with the Holy Spirit Who reveals to us everything God desires.

The Holy Spirit carries out the Will of God to Perfection; teaching, guiding and directing us into the Knowledge of Jesus The Saviour.

Never doubt the Goodness of God.

Everything He does and says is Good and Perfect.

He reveals Christ's Truth to us in ways we can understand.

And as we grow in Godly Knowledge, He continues to teach and guide us into deeper and deeper levels of Truth.

It is a bottommless well of delicious spring water that is Life to the soul. Not only can we drink it, but we can swim in it, bathe in it and frolick in it.

It is cleansing water for the dry spirit to revel in.

It quenches the thirst of the soul's questions.

We can float in the refreshing buoyancy, splashing the crystal clear water on us and never drown.

Just touching the toe at the water's edge, brings thirst for more.

In all these ways and more are we made more beautiful to our Lord.

When we realize the Lordship of Jesus the Christ of God, we are accepting that He will dwell within and become our best Friend, Saviour and God.

Allowing Him the supreme place in our existence unleashes the showers of blessings which have been written about since Christ was crucified.