
01/03/2017 21:58

Friend, it's a difficult thing to ask mankind to love God when they have no foreknowledge of Him; Who He is, how He governs, what makes Him God.

People don't want to be fooled.

We are peculiar in this way. We readily follow after evil without a thought for the good of something.

Yet, God has placed a knowledge of wrong or unrighteousness in us. We can judge it in others but find excuses to allow our own "dipping of the toe" into the evil pond.

We have the ability today to see and hear much evil that is being carried out in the world, because of television and social media, but the Word of God is at the bottom of our priority list, if there at all.

It should be our Highest Goal to find out Who God is, what He requires of us and to learn of His Benefits for our lives.

He is the Creator and He has created us.


What for?

He made us above all other things on the earth. What is the meaning of that?

God knows and understands us, even though we are tainted with sin.

He has left us one tangible thing that we should cherish because it is full of Truth from His Mind.

Yes, it's the Holy Bible.

It's time to balance out what has been fed into our minds and hearts by the evil in this world, and the Word of God will bring Perfect Balance.

In it we learn about Holy Law and God's Will; how unbending it is. How Pure and Righteous it is.

How it's meant to enlighten, inspire, cleanse, grow, and reveal Truth to us.

Unlike evil, there are no chains or bonds to enslave us. We walk freely with our God at all times. He is not a hard taskmaster when we understand Him; how He loves us and will take care of us while preparing us for reunion with Him in the afterlife.

There is going to be a huge Harvest of souls and God is looking for workers in the fields (everyday life).

He asks you today, will you join Him?



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