Your Heart's Song

04/15/2016 10:44

Friend, what is your heart's song?

Are you focused on the world and all it offers or are you turned towards God and all He has to offer?

Where you place your treasure, this is where your heart is.

When the Lord Jesus Christ, Who died for your sin and made a Way for you to have Eternal Life in the Glorious Kingdom, looks upon your heart; what does He find?

Will He find a soul who acknowledges His Kingship or will He find a soul who denies Him in every way; even to the point of deriding others who do know Him?

Are you one of the souls who actively hate anything that even "smells" a tiny bit like "religion"?

Have you got it all figured out? There is no God. Jesus was just a man who died and did not resurrect. Religious people are dummies. Man has to fend for himself. Get what you can out of  life.

God says to you, " The fool has said in his heart that there is no God!"

But, God,has not given up on you. He sees the reasons you have for unbelief. He knows the Way forward for you and is always knocking at your heart's door in the form of what will enlighten or encourage you to be open to Who He Is.

He will not give up on you until your last breath.

He uses believers to do this in many instances.

It may simply be a minister of the Good News on television late one night when you are wondering about things.

It could be the view from a high place that reminds you how small and insignificant you really are.

Maybe it's looking at your newborn and thinking about the miracle of birth.

He wants you to learn of Him. His Character, His Attributes, His Power, His Love.

When you do, your heart will sing a new song.

You will find Truth and a Peace and Joy in life that you always poked fun of.

Friend, if this is you then keep a softer heart and be open to hear and see what God wants for you.