The Unseen World

05/10/2019 05:37

Friend, has your inner sense made you aware of an unseen world?

Have you had glimpses of things that logically should not happen in this world? 

Have you seen, or experienced answer to prayer?

Have you had coincidences that are only explainable if there is something on the other side of this world in a spiritual sense. 

In our early years, just toddlers we seem to be aware of the extistence of that other world, and we co-exist with it for a few years; as many parents would testify.

Once the school years come where our minds are filled with the things in our textbooks, we gradually conform and accept that this is the world we live in; it is the most important to us.

Our teen years bring a total dependence on the latest innovations of this world; technology, games, movies, music and most of us completely give up believing that there could be another dimension; that God exists, that angels help us and so forth.

Then come the more difficult adult years where our beliefs are tested.

Perhaps, illness strikes, our hearts are broken, we lose our job and we question how a good God could allow these things to happen to us.

This is when God is asking us to rediscover the unseen world. 

As adults we have the ability to discern. We have lived and seen what is going on around the world; how man is inhumane to mankind, how wars erupt, how natural disasters strike and so on.

However, He asks us to contemplate Who He Is while satan; the demonic being who has some dominion over this world, is also trying to break our loveliness down.

Satan's only desire for mankind is to kill and destroy us. He only allows harmful things to be given to us.

God depends on our parents to teach us from babes, of Who He Is; to be trusted, to be loved, to be honoured.

But, many parents don't. They refuse to believe. They want us to themselves. They want to teach us only what they believe in; jaded outlooks at that.

That's okay with satan. He is in favour of that as it leaves God out of the teaching process.

But, thankfully as an adult, we all have the ability and free will choice to look to God; to ask Him to reveal Himself to us; to learn of His Ways; to receive His Love and Forgiveness; to be blessed by Him.

In meditation/contemplation of Who God Is, with an open mind and heart to know Truth, we will find His Grace and Mercy for us.

We find that this world is just a temporary stopover for our soul. 

It is useful to God for reasons He does not wish us to know; because He knows our fallen state and nature. It is a world where we are able to make good decisions not knowing His Purposes; but His Law being very evident to us as we live out our lives here.

Yes, it's only from birth to death, for us. A short time for the soul to experience life in the flesh.

God has His Reasons and being God, these reasons must be Pure.

So trust Him and begin the meditation process. Lay in a comfortable place and think about Him. 

Hour after hour and day after day the contemplation must be "Who Is He?"

What must He be like?

Are the things satan has told you, Truth? (Satan is a liar and called "The Father of Lies" by Jesus.)

Ask Him to help you and stay always in this attitude of openmindedness towards the Goodness of God.

One day you will look back and see great spiritual progress and be very surprised!

How Great is our God!