
12/07/2015 09:15

Friend, when we hear and read about the Lord there comes a day when we actually have the feeling that we understand.

It's a knowing within, that this is Truth.

We come to a "realization."

Much of what we have been meditating upon comes to Light in a beautiful realization of the Majesty and Glory of God.

It's like opening a door in our inner soul and allowing Him to enter and take up residence on the Throne.

From this position He can speak, and we hear. We are a believer, beloved of Holy God!

This is the work of the Holy Spirit. He strives with us from the minute we are born to reveal our Wonderful God to us and all Heaven rejoices when we finally come to the realization of who He is.

For all the readers of this blog, I pray "realization." In Jesus's Holy Name. Amen.