Be Reasonable

05/22/2016 22:39

Friend, have you found the Truth?

Do you know Who God is?

Have you a Faith that trumps all other belief systems?

Has the deepest desire of your heart been fulfilled?

Or do you have no faith and are filled with nagging doubts even while adhering to the ways of a belief system that you have embraced?

Then, you must continue on your journey to find the Truth and Beauty of Almighty God.

Faith is not just a repeating of what another human has decreed.

We are faulty. Man wil lead us astray in order to fulfil their own desires and needs.

No, God is One who we can have a personal relationship with. He desires us more than we desire Him.

He sees where we are spiritualy, and He knows what will bring us closer to Him and He is working things together in our life so that we will see Him or hear Him.

He creates opportunities for us just as the devil creates opportunities against us.

It is our choice to make.

God encourages us to take the better road and the devil pushes for his own agenda that wlil lead us down a road far from God, one that "proves" to us that God doesn't exist or God is not on our side, or that we are too far gone down the evil path for God to ever forgive us.

But, friend, don't close your mind to what God is doing. Remember He is Love. He loves you. He wants for you to be included in His Kingdom.

Be reasonable in your thinking. Be open to giving Him equal time; as you give to the dark side.

Say, "What would Jesus do?" and have an open spirit to hear what God has to say for the circumstance.

Jesus is ultimately the One who can fulfil the ultimate desires of our soul and give us the fulfilment we so long for.

This is a Promise. He told the woman at the well, that He has Living Water for her ( and us) to drink. It would quench that longing for Truth, Beauty, Wholeness, Love, Knowledge, Godly Power, Inner Joy, Forgiveness, Connectedness to Goodness; all the good things of the flesh life and the spiritual life.

It's yours and mine to claim.

And now is the time to claim your Gift from God - Forgiveness.

The angels in Heaven are waiting to rejoice as you accept Jesus as your Saviour Redeemer and Lord

They want to nurture another believer. They are tasked to keep you from stumbling and to help you up when you stumble.

God loves us all so much. Let us reciprocate and love Him