Get To Know Who God Is - Don't Wrongly Assume!

09/04/2014 15:10

Many see God's Will as undesirable, wrongly assuming it imposes a joyless life on the believer. 

They think to be in God's Will would require change from the life they are now living, to one of rote and bland thinking, to one where they have to be "perfect". Another lie from the devil!

Most unbelievers think that Christians see themselves as perfect but nothing could be further from the truth.  All Christians know they they are imperfect, in fact they know of imperfections the eye does not see.  They know they need a Saviour because of their imperfect ways.

Many unbelievers in Christ see themselves as perfect just the way they are.  They wrongly assume that God will listen to their tale of woe as to why they had to do something that they know is wrong in God's eyes.   

My friend, this is a weakness in God's eyes.  He wants you to have courage and look to Him to begin to learn of His Ways and His Will for your life.  He has a Plan tailored especially for you.

All that is required is to say, "I am willing, Lord."  Then step onto the Path, and daily live under the wings of His care like a little chicken, whose mother unfurls her wings as the chicken runs to her - so she can gather him to safety under her feathers.

Rest in His care, go out into the world covered in His Divine Power to protect you.  Return to Him at day's end and rest and be fed and groomed by him, then do it all over again tomorrow.

This is the full existence we all seek.  It is the True Answer to what our soul and spirit desires.  If you're a tiger, run to Papa - it's all the same thing.  

Newness of life is ours for the choosing, moment by moment. 

The devil will chase you and try to entice you to go back down his path, but stay firm and hold on to what you know - he is a liar and God is Truth and Life for your soul.

If the going gets rough, you must focus on God and ask, "What would Jesus do?"  Listen and return to the Path set out for you, even if you don't hear your answer yet.  It's been given to you if you asked, but you haven't heard, for whatever reason that your soul or spirit won't allow it to be heard. 

The Lord wants to dwell with you in spirit and the only way is if your soul does not resist in pride but humbly allows Him to move in and be a Mentor to you.

When you have those moments of pure harmony with Him, your spirit aligned with His, it is a thing of beauty that you chase after for more.  This is the addiction you want in your life!

Nothing the world throws at you will stick, if you have this relationship with your High Priest, Jesus.