In The Waiting

10/23/2014 14:05

In the waiting period for answers to our questions and prayers, what do we do?

Firstly, do not be impatient.  God is working all things together for you for His good outcome.

Perhaps it requires another person to submit to His will before your answer can come.  It could be anything. It is His sovereignty that must be given full reign.  Step back and allow His timing for your answer to be the only thing you require.  Go about your daily tasks and business, interacting with the world, being a believer and your answer will come. You will see when your answer comes, that it is perfectly timed!

Secondly, read His Word.  You may even find the answer to your question in there.

Thirdly, keep praying and keep listening and asking the Holy Spirit to guide your prayers.

Sometimes it is we, ourselves who have to make a change, so be up for making the change or changes.

As the days and weeks go on we become more knowledgeable about who God is and we see that we ask something that is far above what we need, or is something that God, who is Pure and Holy, cannot allow.

Friend, only ask for heartfelt needs.  God will supply all your daily needs if you believe.  A simple and meaningful prayer of thanks for His provision is all that is needed to receive your daily sustenance.

In the waiting we realize all these things.

God sees the waiting time as a time of fullness for us.  It should not be dead time while we wait on Him and do nothing.  During the waiting, learn more of Him and His attributes and you will learn how to pray to your Great and Mighty God. 

If when you pray you are convicted that what you pray for is inherently wrong then ask for forgiveness and say, "You and Your Way, Lord, not mine."