Jesus Does Not Abandon Believers

10/17/2019 21:06

Friend, it's important for us to remember that Jesus never abandons those who genuinely love Him.

And He does not abandon others - they actually abandon Him but point the finger at Him to say, " You abandoned me!"

He has not abandoned anyone. He died for each and every one of us. 

But many of us want to be our own person, beholden to no-one until a calamity befalls us. Then we look around to find that Jesus isn't responding to us like we think He should. 

The Jesus we don't believe in!

No, friend, it's just that we have walked and played far from Him, and shown Him we do not want His company; we're not ready to accept His Will.

He is saddened by our refusal to want Him in our lives, but He stands by His Will and Law which gives us Free Will from birth to death.

He won't interfere; unless we call to Him; our cry reaches His Heart, and is according to His Law.

The purest cry of agony recognizing Jesus is God of All Things Who Is the Only One Who can help.

Phonies and fakes, He sees right through. He knows all things. He understands evil's way and abhors it. His Great Wrath is against evil yet He is not a dictator. They get their day in court. The Great Judgement. 

His Law will stand and the punishment will take place for those Who could not bend their will which will be proven to be evil (against God) and not wanting to have anything to do with God. He will give them their desire. Separation from Him.

His Law governs our universe and when we live  within it we will be upheld by His Mighty Hand; surrounded by His Holy Angels; be administered to by His Holy Spirit and included in The Father's Family as brother and sister to Christ Jesus.

Grafted in to the Holy Line - the Family of God; with all the Rights of an heir.

He will not abandon the believer. He walks with the believer all our days. He wants none to perish in the punishment.

This is why it is important to give up sinful ways while professing to be a Christian. The Lord teaches, guides and loves us through all our circumstances and allows consequences to visit us so that we can become strong in faith with His kind care of our soul.

Allow Him access, allow Him to pluck out of the mind that which is abhorrent to Him, allow Him to cleanse and renew the heart. 

His Way is best for us and keeps us close to Him throughout our lives.

Never will He abandon such a one who loves Him.