Jesus- Master Teacher

03/10/2015 15:29

Friend, do you see Jesus as your Teacher?

He is!

Only Jesus has the Truth that we seek.  Be of a pure heart and an open mind so that you can absorb all He has for you in a short time.

When we are closed off to His teachings we cannot receive all He has for us.  One tiny little seed of doubt smaller than a poppyseed, can inhibit His teachings.

We have to be like a clean slate.  Our  mind has to be open to finding out new ways of viewing the world.  It begins to look topsy turvy and that is the way that satan has made and that we have come to accept as our truth.  Jesus will show you the Truth and only the Truth.  He is not a deceiver.

But friend, stop and savor all He has to teach you.  Listen and also talk to Him about your doubts.  He will be glad to show you the Way to recovering the Truth.