Praise Is A Key

03/24/2017 21:46

Friend, the Scriptures tell us that when we praise God with an believing heart, He is bound to respond to us.

He inhabits the praises of His people the Holy Bible says!

It is impossible for an unbeliever to praise God.

There are believers in all kinds of worldly musicians and popular artists who love their idols so much they raise their hands to them and sing their praises far and wide, but if they do not love Jesus and what He has done for them, they will not raise their hands and sing songs of worship and praise to Him.

But when we praise Him, we have His attention.

The level of our belief and faith is evident to Him and in those moments of praise, He is filling us with His Peace, Comfort, Love, Truth and Wisdom to name just a few of the wonderful gifts He betsows on us during those times of praise and worship.

Friend, I have experienced this phenomenon, and it is real.

People get healed in praise and worship services. It is a known fact and there are many testimonies of God's Grace and Mercy and Healing happening in those times of deep and meaningful communion with Him.

It is said that numberless blessings are available to those who learn the secret of praise and worship.

To begin in private to understand what to do we only have to look up Christian worship songs and hymns on UTube to find some that speak to your heart and mind.

Purchase the cd and play it in the private moments to learn the words so you too can be a worshipper in song to the Lord.

You will receive cleansing, a renewing of the spirit, and gain wisdom for your journey.

God is a Merciful God and He will fill you with all you need in life to overcome when you praise Him in words and song.

But song is not the only way to praise. Speaking to Him with thankfulness and gratefulness in our heart draws Him to us as well.

Tell Him what you have discovered He has done for you and speak of your changed heart and mind.

After all everything good comes from Him. He has allowed it. Has there been a sillver lining to the trials you experience?

It is well for your soul to know that you did not do that by yourself, and evil does not give good gifts without strings attached, so God therefore is the giver of the good in your existence.

Examine your life. You will find instances when God has bestowed Good Gifts on you, even while the world tries to destroy you..

Put on your cloak of humility and accept the sacrificial life, knowing that Peace and Joy will surround you for the rest of your days.

Bless you friend as you go forth on the praise level of your faith in God.

May it grow and grow as you walk forward on your faith journey with Christ the Giver of all Good Gifts.