Prayer Is Partnering With God!

09/26/2015 11:00

Friend, are you partnering with God in prayer?

The power of prayer is amazing. Believers everywhere have testimonies of answered prayer, ranging from a simple thing to more complex and miraculous answers.

Never neglect prayer. Connecting with the Holy Spirit who transfers them into the Heavenly Language that our Lord will respond to, is a life giving exercise in faith and belief for your soul.

Allowing yourself this pleasure, you will be renewed in the mind and your body will feel the stress dissipate - because you have made your requests known to God ( even though He already knew them) and shown Him that you are willing to cut the cord of ownership and give the problem to Him.

Asking for our needs to be met is totally allowable.  God wants us to ask. When we are wrong in our asking, we will know it in our spirit. We will know that we ask incorrectly and He will teach us how to ask correctly.

So, friend, just begin to pray and partner with God for the results that are allowed according to His Will, then stand aside and allow Him to bring about the change that you asked for.

Get into the practise of praying so that your day is filled with a new confidence in your spirit, and a humbleness in your soul, because you know that the Most High and Holy God of All Things is working things together for good, for you.

He may send ten thousand angels to watch over you and protect you from harm while He works to get the solution that is best for your soul. Just give your troubles to Him and walk forward in life and know that He is for you and be obedient to Him - do not continue in the same thought patterns that have placed you in the mess you have just asked Him to help you with.

Listen to the Holy Spirit when He checks you and do as He asks you to when He corrects you. He is doing the Lord's work and you must respond as a willing believer to get the desired outcome.

Partner with God, friend and you will not be sorry!