Society Of The Damned

08/04/2017 16:37

Friend, have you extricated yourself from the society of the damned?

There is only one Way.

It is by understanding God, believing in, and having a personal relationship with the Son of Father God.


His Blood, if we accept Him, was shed for all who would believe; as a means by which the Godhead could by Holy Law, make a Way for our souls to be reunited with Them.

In Godly Perfection, the Blood of the Son of God, is the Only thing that is able to cleanse us from the sin which sentences our essence (soul) to eternity in Hell.

When we ackknowledge Him as our God, give to Him all our allegiance and develop over the remainder of our lives, a close personal relationship with Him; the Father sees the Son's Blood covering us, when He looks upon us.

And, He is pleased.

On that great Day of Judgement in the afterlife, unbelievers will recognize souls who they mocked for their belief in Almighty God and Jesus the Son.

But believers will see that they will not be joining the mockers of God.

The pain at that moment of recognition of the finality of the sentencing for earthly unbelievers, ( for now when they are face to face with God - they will believe and bow down.) I believe will be so great, that they will wish they could cease to exist.

But, they won't cease to exist. The Law will be upheld.

God says we are sinners; that there is not one of us who is sinless.

We are born of sinners into a sinful world.

Man has managed to get himself into quite a predicament.

We don't educate our children righteously; we don't train up our children righteously in the home; we don't listen to the Holy Spirit who works night and day trying to show us in so many ways, that the path we are on is not going to lead to an eternity of Joy and Peace, with God as our Light and Love.

How will we feel when, standing before the Great Throne of God, we realize that He is Amazing and Beautiful and we are not. When we will know that He is Righteous and we are far from that. We will see that we had thousands of chances to acknowledge Him. And we will see that in fact we stridently called out even, those who did believe and mocked them for trying to live riighteously.All will see how the unbelievers changed even the laws of countries to suit their unholy practises.

How they made Right, wrong

Then we will really see our filth and know we are not going to be able to reside in Heaven without the Blood of Jesus covering us.

Then we will wish we had paid attention to the Spirit; to the thiings of God - to know Him and learn of His Will. Not to just take and merrily go on our way; as we will finally acknowledge to ourselves, we did.

Yes, friend, many of us are aware that the Spirit prods us and shows us signs, grants our feeble prayers of want and need, while we keep our backs turned, disavowing God, showing no gratitude or thanks to Him for anything.

But today, there is hope for many who understand these words, realize that God exists and is All Power, owns all things, and wish they could be counted among those who will have an eternal life in Heaven and not an eternal life in Hell.

God loves a heart that will understand and change allegiance.

Will that heart give to Jesus the acceptance of His Kingship?

If so, take His Blood-stained Hand and rise up - full of Hope, Joy and Peace.

Thank Him for His Grace and Mercy, Forgiveness and Salvation.