Someone Like Me

08/16/2015 11:26

Friend, have you accepted Jesus into your heart and now find that people resent you or are openly hostile towards you?

This is because your Father has rewarded you openly. 

You may not see it, but others in their spirit, do recognize that you have something they do not have and are not willing to receive, so therefore they think you should not be receiving it.

You have not waited for them - perhaps they think they would have wanted to go there first but you beat them to it?

No matter!

Count it all joy when others rebuff you or display their dislike of your faith in God.  It means God is rewarding you openly before their spirit.

Some will make fun - count it all joy because God has shown them that He loves and cherishes you!

Do not forget though, that God loves them also. His Will includes them and they too have a choice to make.

Be assured the Holy Spirit is working towards having them know Jesus - this is His sphere of work here on this earth.

Never forget that God has taken someone like you and because you found Him, have been forgiven of all sin and have been directed to the Path of Life Everlasting in the Kingdom of God where you will enjoy all the benefits of being a child of God.

Therefore for this great reward, when the Spirit shows you something in your "self" that displeases the Law of God, take steps to remove it immediately.  Fill that void with more Godly knowledge and praise so that the demon that you removed, will not be able to return with seven more to drag you even deeper into that sinful way or attitude.

Soul and spirit must be focused on Jesus at all times. Do not blame Him for anything.  It is our own fault, our own weakness and our own past choices that bring the problems into our lives.

Recognize this and begin to clean up the dark recesses of your heart and mind, and allow the Light from the Holy Jesus to fill you up so that your cup overruns with Love and Power from God, to deny all access by the evil demons that will try to bring you down.

Be an active Christian.  Know that you are loved and be a loving person to all God's creatures and all creation.