Spiritual Knowledge

03/21/2015 10:42

Friend, the Scriptures tell us to be men and women of intelligence in understanding spiritual matters.

God wants us to have spiritual knowledge.  He knows that for us to have spiritual understanding our path through this world will be an easier one than if we have no spiritual knowledge.

For instance, unbelievers are buffeted about by evil the same as believers in Christ but they try to fight against it, and evil just ups the ante all the time so they can never win.

Believers on the other hand, understand that it is satan and his demons at work and they know that the battle belongs to the Lord.  They are able to allow the Lord and His Holy angels to fight for them.

Our Lord, He is a Mighty Warrior and He is victorious in all He does.

Satan, my friend, is just using up his alloted time and we, for only reasons known to Almighty God, are here in this world of time also. 

Just trust that He is Good and working things together for Good for you.

Search out on a daily basis, the spiritual words that Jesus has for you and let them seep into your soul and fill you so that you have greater and greater knowledge of who He is.  This will benefit you immensely throughout your life.  You will get a new understanding of situations and issues that confront you daily.

It's called growing spiritually and we do it until we die.