Stepping Heavenward

11/08/2014 11:15


Friend, are you stepping heavenward?

Is your mind settled - that God exists?

Do you believe; that He sent His Son Jesus to be born as a baby; and walk among us to be crucified; and resurrected; to fulfil His Law of Redemption, that would override the Law that Satan has been convicted under?

If not, what is holding up the process of your soul returning to the Father in Heaven - at the end of it's life on this earth? 

He has made a Way for you to be reconciled to Him.

This is His desire for you. - that you be reconciled.

You must investigate what the hold-up is and rectify the situation.  Your soul is entitled to this free Gift from it's Creator. Why won't you redeem it?

If it was money, you would be first in line, right?

Friend, it is worth far above cash, gold, diamonds, rubies and pearls!

This Gift is priceless to your soul and your journey on this earth.

Accept it right now and let the Lord help you to be the soul He breathed life into for His Purposes. There is a place in His "army" of righteous souls, for you!

Will you join Him?  Just say "Yes, Lord, yes. Help me, Lord to be the person you want me to be.  Change me Lord.  I repent of my ignorance and foolishness.  Teach me to love."  Amen.