Teachable Spirit

12/18/2017 10:29

Friend, many wonder why they have not "felt" or "heard" from God.

They refuse to believe in Father, Son and Holy Spirit, unless they get a personal visit from Him!

But friend, God is showing every one of us Who He Is; He's speaking to each of us every day; He's calling us; He's warning us of dangers ahead; He's loving us in our detestable (to Him), state; He's helping us at all times, encouraging us to stay in His Will.

Many of us, are hellbent, wayward fools.

Yes, we are bent on going to Hell.

We just won't believe in Him, and this places us on the road to Hell.

We'd rather believe in ourselves, and our own abilities, in self-might.

We love our own thoughts. 

We're self-righteous.

We want our own way even when it brings us misfortune, disaster, sickness, sorrow and  lack.  

We refuse to be shown, taught and loved by Him.

Many believe there is a Heaven, and a God, but are misinformed about God, thinking they may be able to bargain with God at the Judgement.

For those who are at the "end of their rope" and in need of One Who cares about their situation, who can actually help them, God says to you, " Have a teachable spirit."

The minute you surrender your soul and spirit to Him, He is able to connect with you.

It takes your will to acknowledge your need of His Will.

Do not go to Hell with unopened Gifts from God!

How foolish that is!

One is the Gift of Faith.

God offers it to you, now. 

Charles Spurgeon, in one of his great sermons, said the following about how many sinners think."I say that I have no need of a salvation by the blood and righteousness of another, for I believe that I have kept the commands of God from my youth up, and I do not think that I am guilty in His sight, but I hope that I may be able in my own right, to claim a seat in paradise."

Really, by your own righteousness?

Yet, God says you did not have a teachable spirit.

You really believe that your own righteusness, that of a foolish sinner will measure up to the Holy Righteousness of God?

Charles Spurgeon (quotes from sermons) on believing in our own righteousness...But if you live and die unbelievers, know this, that all your sins lie on your own shoulders. Christ did never make any atonement for you; you were never bought with blood; you never had an interest in His Sacrifice. You live and die in yourselves, lost; in yourselves, ruined; in yourselves, utterly destroyed.

But believingthe moment you believe, you may know that you were chosen of God from before the foundation of the world. Believing, you may know that the righteousness of Christ is all yours; that all He did, He did for you; that all He suffered, He suffered for you. You do in fact, in the moment you believe, stand where Christ stood as God's accepted Son; and Christ stands where you stood as the sinner, and suffers as if He had been the sinner, and dies as if He had been guilty—dies in your room, place, and stead.

Now be it known unto you, that when Christ died, He took the sins of all His people upon His head, and there and then they all ceased to be. At the moment when Christ died, the sins of all His redeemed were blotted out. He did then suffer all they ought to have suffered; He paid all their debts; and their sins were actually and positively lifted that day from their shoulders to His shoulders, for "the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all." And now, if you believe in Jesus, there is not a sin remaining upon you, for your sin was laid on Christ; Christ was punished for your sins before they were committed, and as Kent says:

"Here's pardon for transgressions past,
It matters not how black their caste;
And oh! my soul with wonder view,
For sins to come here's pardon too."

Decide today friend, to have a teachable spirit.

Allow The Holy Spirit to teach and guide you into Salvation and the Knowledge of God's Love, Will, Way and Law.