The Battle of Life

08/06/2020 16:56

Friend, do you feel like everyday is a battle?

Friend, the Bible tells us that this is true! 

You have deduced correctly!

Now what?

Is there a Way out of the battle ?

Have you fought many battles only to find another pops up immediately?

Is there then, a war of many battles?

How does one get up every day to fight a battle?

These are just some of the questions mankind speaks to the air around us.

But the Bible has all the answers because it is written by the One who gave us life and the One who created all things around us and the One who understands our enemy.

First we are told we are a part of a Grand Plan of Creator God.

We were created for Him to have daily interaction with; to be available to Him when He desired a friend; to love Him in the manner He loves us; to enjoy His Presence and the things He created for us to name and have enjoyment with - the animals, plants, sea, earth and sky.

He gave us free will according to His Law which He placed in our hearts.

But, God has an adversary, created by Him, many aeon before we were created.

The name, satan. 

He was once an "insider" in the Throne Room; close to God, seeing many things.

This satan became envious of the Power of God, and became an adversary who turned many angels away from God with his sinful thoughts of usurping God's Power and Glory.

They were banished from God's Presence according to The Law which, IS GOD.

Yes, God is Law.

Satan was made The Prince of the Power of the Air of the Earth.

And to this day He has that Power.

This; our lifetime, is to win the battles against satan, the Prince of the Power of the Air in and surrounding our earth.

We individually must fight against him becoming our lord and master.

God expects this of us. This is why He has left His Law written in our hearts.

It is why when we do something sinful, we are aware that we have sinned and we know our sin is against God.

For some of us we are saddened by our sinful behaviours but others are angry at God for allowing them to remember that they are sinful in thought and deed.

Either way, He has made a Way that is easy for us to receive Forgiveness.

Satan did not expect God to rescue His People from satan's clutches. Satan's pride only allows for him to think higher of himself and his plans than God and His Abilities.

He hopes to draw God into something so he can prove God is not Pure Goodness.

Pure Goodness does not include a God who rolls over and allows evil to be in control of all He has created.

No, God is All Mighty and Powerful and will deal with satan according to Holy Law and the Holy Justice that includes punishment.

The Bible speaks of the Punishment of satan and all those who follow him.

God will separate the goats from the sheep of His Pasture.

While the goats mingle and eat of the same pasture as the sheep, meander quietly and look friendly, The Father knows His Own and His sheep know His Voice.

When He calls, the sheep will come to Him, and the goats will wonder why the sheep have gone!

But, when we go to the Judgement we all, goats and sheep will understand that God made the Righteous choice. The goats will know they are doomed and will understand everything about their choices in life that got them into the goat category. And how they ignored all the promptings of The Holy Spirit. 

How they ignored the Truth.

There may be gnashing of teeth and wailing, but once we leave this life we cannot make another choice. 

Our fate is sealed.

Now, this life, is the time, to make the choice for God or against God.

Knowing God is realizing Who He Is; His Greatness, His Righteousness; His Infallibility; His Wisdom; His Beauty; His Truth, Law and Justice.

We all are in the Battle for Life Eternal.

Choose wisely where ye shall go.

It's so easy. God has fooled satan with the simplest Plan to redeem us.

Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ Who is the Son of The Almighty; Jesus Who shed His Precious Blood in payment for our sins, past, present and even future ones that are not continual and habitual sin.

Yes, your sins have been paid for.

This minute, you friend, can say, "I choose Jesus," and if that is in your heart, you will be forgiven of your sins and saved by the Lamb Who went to the Cross to pay for your sins.

You will be seen to be wearing the Blood of Christ, and the Father will recognise you as one of His Sheep.