The Crack Of An Open Wound

01/25/2020 14:56

Friend, many of us wonder how some people become a believer.

I recently read a testimony from someone who said that the Holy Spirit was able to enter his psyche through, "the crack of an open wound."

How true this statement is for many of us believers.

We live a life of abandonment to evil ways, and we deny the call of our Lord, but one day, when we are brought to our knees in the miry clay of our lives; unable to go on, not knowing which way to turn, locked up in prison or mental ward, wounded with open sores on our bodies, hearts and minds, He enters and begins to teach us, reveals Godly ways to us; and convicts us of our sinful ways. 

And funniest of all, we don't feel condemnation from Him, we are joyful, we sense forgiveness, we begin to heal, we walk a finer line. 

We recognise others as human; those who our God loves also.

Friend, do you have open wounds today?

Have you been ungodly, walking in sin, treating others badly, lying, stealing, hurting others?

Allow the Spirit to reveal the Love of Jesus, Who will never leave you or forsake you; but guide you into a very personal relationship with Him as Counselor, Friend, Saviour of your soul.