The Law

09/26/2014 11:46

A. B. Earle
"I have found by long experience that the severest
threatenings of the Law of God have a prominent
place in leading men to Christ. They must see
themselves lost before they will cry for mercy.
They will not escape from danger until they see it."


John MacArthur
"God's grace cannot be faithfully preached to
unbelievers until the Law is preached and
man's corrupt nature is exposed. It is
impossible for a person to fully realize his need
for God's grace until he sees how terribly he
has failed the standards of God's Law.


J. I. Packer
"Unless we see our shortcomings in the light of
the Law and holiness of God, we do not see them
as sin at all."

My friend, do you see your unfaithfulness to God and His Law as sinless? Perhaps you think you are innocent and if you stay ignorant of His Law you will be judged innocent?

It is not so.  We are all sinful to God.  Everyone is infected.

God tells us so in His Word. He says there is none perfect, none innocent, none holy.

This is why His Law had a Way for us to become sinless in His eyes.  Because he is Good, He made a Way for us to remove ourselves from our captivity. He knew before hand how His Kingdom would go and He has set Law in motion to counteract rebellion from His Perfect Will of Free Will for His Creation. God was not taken by surprise when Satan and other angelic beings started a takeover!

His Son ( Himself) would become the Perfect willing Sacrifice for the atonement of all our sins.  The arrangement being that if we believed in Him (Jesus) and followed Him as proof of our faithfulness, we could be called righteous in His sight.

Jesus has opened the door to our prison cell.  Don't just sit there staring and wondering. Walk free.  Accept the sacrifice of Jesus. Celebrate His Power over evil.  He has set you free but you have to accept His free Gift.

You can sit in the cell with the door open until the end of your life but if you haven't walked through it by your death - it will be too late to claim your Gift of Salvation.

By His Law you can be free.

God wrote the Law. God fulfilled the Law in this regard.