The Prayers of Others

01/20/2020 21:45

Friend, do you know that the prayers for you, lifted to the Lord by other people; relatives, friends and strangers does avail much for you - even if you do not believe?

Many are the times we tell others of our sorrow, needs, complaints and someone will pipe up "I'll pray for you friend," or "I know of  good Christian who will pray for you."

These prayers are heard by God and some relief may be felt by us, the needy person.

But, friend. The prayers for oneself spoken to God from the broken one in despair; at the end of their rope; do produce action from Jesus The Healer, Protector, our Hope and The Truth; some of His many Names of which He answers to.

He runs to the lost and hurting sheep; gathers it in His arms and brings it back to the fold to be tenderly cared for.

Don't we all need this?

The prayers of others sometimes have helped us but nothing like it will be when we humble our "self" to Him; admitting that He is Master of all things, Creator of all things, Knower of all things and able to do the impossible for us.

His Way is one of Perfection and Beauty.

The finesse and the intracity of the tapestry He weaves to bring about the impossible in our lives is Overwhelmingly Beautiful to behold. We come out the other side of our "problem" and realize His hand was at work for us the whole time!

While we were going through the problem we saw small victories yet the problem may not have immediately gone away. But we continued on praying and praising Him through the prompting of our heart by the Holy Spirit and one day, there was the problem, solved!

This is why we see Christians crying. There are not enough words to describe what He does with the messes we have made to give us a whole life again in Him.

The Joy that is inside us, our heart overflows with thankfulness.

He is available to anyone of us on this earth yet many run from Him, ignore Him, disrespect Him!

If only we would be teachable, willing to believe in an Amazing God!