There's A Battle

09/03/2020 14:22

Friend, there's a battle.

There's a battle for souls.

There's a battle for your soul.

There's a battle for our children's souls.

These battles are part of a WAR.

Evil has declared war on Goodness.

Evil hates all things Good.

Evil has declared war on God, because He is Good.

Evil hates God and all He stands for.

Evil hates God's Law especially because evil has broken them all.

Evil constantly uses mankind to change God's Law in our hearts. 

In so doing evil conditions us to be immoral, against God's Law. 

Evil uses us to change man's law, which should align with God's Law, but does not anymore.

Now our laws are secular, not Godly.

Every day we hear about the laws of our country, state, city being changed to please the modern way many people live due to being manipulated by the evil one, satan and his minion demons.

Only today a law was passed that is a dagger to our Lord's heart. Young people may be used by their elders as sexual pawns for their and others pleasure without consent of the younger person, without parents knowledge, without any law to protect their rights as they grow older, and realize how they have been impacted mentally by those despicable acts.

We know that many predatory pedophiles are not sexually satisfied unless they overpower another; and youngsters are easily overpowered as are most women, with physical forces and abuses of all kinds.

The stories of survivors prove this; and those who died at their hands, the bodies reveal the tortures they endured.

It's true; evil has been attacking mankind since we were first gifted a journey here in the flesh.

Adam and Eve; our foreparents - the Godly line of inheritance which believers can be grafted into - of which I have been and many others.

It's true that times are ramping up and unless we repent and call on God for deliverance, we will be rushing hastily towards the time when Jesus will come again and fulfill the last prophecy in the Bible.

His Second Coming.

The Return of the Lamb of God.

The Appearance of our Saviour in the twinkling of an eye; coming in a cloud of Glory.

He comes to us this time, a King, not a babe King, but fully realized as God King.

The Bible says we will all know it is Him. Even the unbelievers will recognize Him.

There should be no Christian alive who does not want to share how Great God Is; so that others who do not know Him will have a chance to choose Him; to choose Eternal Life.

The world would be a better place if we denied all the sin in our lives, repented of all unrighteousness, turned towards God and asked for the Forgiveness that He offers, to all who repent and turn away from sin.

That Forgiveness is necessary.

We cannot call ourselves a believer, unless we have repented and received Forgiveness, from Him Who died for our punishment to be paid for.

Choose your side of the Battle between God and the devil soon friend!

I choose God's side because I have read the end of His Word, The Holy Bible where He reveals that He wins and many are turned away from His Kingdom to be in darkness but aware of every thing they have done.

I choose Jesus because I know He loves me and died so I could be free of condemnation.

I choose God because He is Perfect in all His Ways, He is Trustworthy and Truthful.

Believers, He has another road for us. He wipes away our tears; He causes us to forget those we knew or loved who cannot join us because they love sin more; and He provides a New Life in the Eternal Kingdom.