Types of People

10/18/2019 08:11

Friend, how do you think God looks at us as people?

Does He divide us into colour of skin?

Does He divide us into belief systems?

Is it by country?

Is it by language?

Is it by our individual interests?

No, this is how we divide ourselves.

God allowed us life. Our soul was created by Him.

He sees us as His and does not want to part with us.

He sent His Son to pay the price of our lawlessness before we were yet born; knowing we would be born and we would be a sinner, no longer able to be reunited with Him after death.

So, He made a Way where according to His Law, the Ultimate Truth of God, there was NO WAY for us to return to His Kingdom when we died because we had become sinful, disobedient of His Law and could not ever live in the Heavenly Realm with Him.

Jesus the Son of God, also God of the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), was the Holy Sacrifical Lamb of God who was tortured and crucified according to the Law, for our sins. For all mankind, past, present and future and for all our sins, past, present and future.

By accepting and thanking Him for this marvelous Gift of Salvation we acknowledge Him as Almighty God and are welcomed into His Presence with the Blood of The Son upon us showing we have been bought with a Price and are to be considered cleansed by the Blood shed at Calvary for us.

When The Father sees us with the Son's Blood upon us, He recognizes us as a loyal, faithful, humble son or daughter. His Law says we are grafted into the Royal Line as sons and daughters with Rights of inheritance.

Are you one of those who has accepted the Sacrifice for your sins by Jesus or are you still not willing to trust the One Who Is Trustworthy beyond all others?

Today, right now anyone who desires to be cleansed by the Lord has the right to speak to Jesus and ask for forgiveness. 

A contrite and repentant heart, He will forgive.