Your Will, Not Mine

10/13/2015 19:28

Friend, today, be brave and say to the Lord, "Your Will, not mine in all things, Lord Jesus!"

Life is hard and the devil and his demons will come against you so take it minute by minute, "Your Will, not mine, Lord."

Don't worry about the small failures, just keep going and commit to the next minute to be in His Will not your own.

Don't wallow in the sorrow of a failure. The devil is in that.

"Forgive me Lord, I am weak, but Your Will, not mine, Lord."

"Teach me, Lord."

"Show me, Lord."

"Thank you, Lord."

Just speak to Him all through the day.

When something goes well, "Praise You, Lord and thank You, Jesus."

Before you go to sleep each night, "I bless the name of Jesus!"

His Will for our lives, not ours. Agreed?