Article archive

The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Ephesians

06/25/2016 20:22
Friend, the following chapters and verses explain very succinctly what the Father, Son and Holy Spirit have done for all men. First there was the Law but it was proved to us we could not abide it. The Beauty of God's Plan of Redemption for us is very profound and I hope the Apostle Paul's...
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Permanently Anchored

06/25/2016 10:21
Friend, have you trusted God to where you consider yourself permanently anchored to Him? This is where we all need to be. Permanently anchored to Him. God tells us in His Word, the Holy Bible, that we have all gone astray. He wants us back. He has done everything He can within His Free Will...
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What You Need

06/25/2016 09:54
Friend, we're always focused on what we need in our lives. Our minds are always calculating and conniving to "get". The Lord asks us to leave it all to Him. He wants us to lay aside all our worries, concerns, desires, and turn to face Him and let the Glow of His Glory bless us. Bask in His...
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The Grace Of God

06/23/2016 19:42
Friend, set your mind on what the Grace of God means. Let today be the day when your soul completely understands what the Grace of God means. Prayer for understanding.. Lord, (Father, King, Jesus) I come to You with thanks in my heart for Your wonderful Plan of Redemption, and Forgiveness. I...
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Meditation Verse 1st Corinthians 15:51-53

06/23/2016 09:28
Meditation   Scripture.  Behold, I shew you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of  an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.  For...
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Call On The Lord

06/21/2016 10:21
Friend, we have the freedom to call on the Lord at any moment during the day or night. When we call out to Him in a heartfelt way, He will always respond. It is the "heart to Heart", "deep to Deep" that He will never deny. Bible Verse James 4:8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you....
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Forgiveness Is Offered

06/17/2016 20:08
Friend, we are all sinners. God knows this. Many of us deny we are sinful. But, that doesn't count because our denial is infact sinful, because it disagrees with God's assessment of us; His Great Knowledge of everything about us. He knew us before we were born! He knows the beginning from the...
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Search me, O God

06/16/2016 10:22
Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my thoughts; and see if there be any wicked way in me. Psalm 139:23-24 Friend, we must ask these words of God! We must have a heart that wants to be free from the wickedness of the world! The world lulls us into thinking that everything it does...
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Who Is God to You

06/15/2016 12:51
Friend, let these words be a starting point for you to realize your own set of words for understanding Who God is to you. The Holy One The Word of God Jesus, Name Above All Names Lord of Lords King of Kings Lover of my soul Friend to the friendless Healer of my body, mind, soul and spirit Abba...
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Demons Must Go

06/15/2016 12:23
Friend, when Jesus walked the earth with His disciples, He cast out demons from people. It is important to realize that demons must go from our minds and heart and body. When we believe in Jesus and have accepted Him as our Lord; if we speak to the demons according to the Will of God, they must...
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Items: 681 - 690 of 1310
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