
The Inward Life

04/30/2024 09:37

Friend, have you asked yourself, "What is this life all about?"

Are you tired of the pushback you get from the world?

Have you run down the many rabbit holes to find you are lost in the labyrinth below?

Let me tell you there are labyrinths with burrowed holes named, Peace of God, Joy of God, Knowledge of God, Truth of God, Justice of God, Law of God, Way of God  that are not underground, but are in the All-Encompassing Light of God; where each soul may freely enter and never be lost again?

Why not choose God Himself, knower of all things?

Why do we run from Him when He is so loving?

We act like He is mad at us; angered, ready to blow His top at any moment.

This is a lie from the devil himself!

An easy place to start our seeking of Him is to realise that His Word, The Holy Bible, is full of the things He wants us to know about; as a Father.

Many people after reading The Bible, call it The Good News. And that is because God Who Is Good, has started out from the beginning to tell us our ancestry, our heritage, like a loving Father does.

He further explains many things about Himself and His reationship with us by telling us historical facts and incidents from our past ancestors; how He had to deal with them because of The Law.

Because of Lucifers fall from Perfection and his evil dealings with the apple of His eye, mankind, God knows who is behind all our sinful ways.

God warns us of this entity. He reveals it is a fallen angel who once was very beautiful and had a place in Heaven of great worth to God. 

God writes to us in Love and shows us The Way we can be reunited with Him even though we have joined forces with His adversary here on the earth.

He gives us a chance in this life to make a choice for Him, and to be counted as a child of God with all the Holy Benefits that comes with being a Kingdom inheritor.

God has a Plan for all those who will follow The Son. We will be brothers and sisters to Christ our King on earth when God brings into being the New Rule of Christ as King on earth.

He openly reveals that His adversary is Satan; and tells us much about him, and how He works; so that we can identify him. He gives us knowledge about how to overcome Satan's influence in our lives, so we can stay faithful to God right up to our passing from the fkesh.

He demonstrates that by our faith in His Son, we will receive from on High, the Person of The Holy Spirit Who Is God, into our soul; Who will help us to overcome and stay faithful during our time on earth, that is alloted to us by God.

While we live in the flesh, we walk by The Spirit. We make Holy Spirit inspired choices by knowing The Word of God. 

When we read His Word, He, by His Spirit Who advocates for us before The Throne of Mercy and Grace, is ever present guiding us into deeper and deeper levels of Holy Knowledge for the maturing of our faith.

This is what God has said to Isaiah the Great Prophet of God in times past.

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee: because he trusteth in Thee.   Isa. 26:3

Those Holy Words are a Promise to those who look to God in love and honour His Majesty over all things.

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The Father's Ways

04/20/2024 11:19

Friend, God has no need to love mankind.


But the Bible says He does.

Without us, He just goes on. But, we without Him, will not survive eternally. We will never crack the threshold of death, and annihilate death from the earth so we can live forever.

Science and medicine have found ways to improve our health with the hopes we live longer; but when our tme comes, we die.

Some may go to space, to escape earth and it's woes, but they won't be the likes of myself and others who are of no use to the elite humans. And still those who escape to space "sanctuaries" will die at the appointed time.

So we must ask ourselves about this Jesus who came to earth to "save" us. Why, being God Himself, did He depart from His Power and Glorious Existence in the Peaceful Heavenly Abode, enter the womb of Mary, a simple sherpherdess type of girl to be born as a baby; enter into a poor carpenter's earthly subsistence living accomodations; learn to walk and talk as toddlers do, and grow into adulthood with half-siblings in Nazareth?

At this point we should ask ourself, "Who then is God, that He would do this to Himself for 33 years of earth time?"  

Friend, He left Glory to come to a sin infected evil realm, when He could have snapped His Fingers and have us disappear in less than a second; to be done with us; instead of causing Himself so much pain and angst of soul and body.

When we look closely and with a heart seeking to know Truth in it's wholeness and finest perfection, we will find that God is purposeful in all He does. We will understand that everything He does is Holy Perfect and Holy Good.

We will see that He has All Power over all things.

We find the knowledge about Him in The One and Only, Holy in it's Pureness, Bible, inspired by God, through His Spirit; written for us to have a tangible thing we can touch; for once in ages past, His Story was orally told, but when we were advancing into written language, given by Him, He planned for us to have the tangible Holy Bible available to each one of us. 

Yes it took ages but then again, He was working with select few in different centuries, because few were they who would keep His Word pure; and meanwhile all His Purposes were being attended to by mankind multiplying on the earth.

He used mankind to be His scribes inspired by Himself to utter His Truths, for us to know Him through His Word.

God is the Owner of Time, and every thing we see, and cannot see.

We are a small tiny pinhead sized dot of matter in His ever pulsing creation, that obeys His concise thoughts and ideas; spoken by Him through the ether of Himself.

Man likes to think that "it" is everything. The ego of mankind is amazing in size. It's a wonder we can hold our head up; we are so inflated in ego, of the mind!

Compared to God we are gnat sized with even smaller sized brains. This is why He says we are foolish. He sees the working of our thoughts and our deeds and none of it compares to His Intelligence, His Abilities, His Power, His Truth, His Law and Justice.

For example; man takes some dried wood, and gathers kindling sticks, and after some effort, finally lights a fire; and he thinks he is so imaginative for "dreaming" up this idea. Actually man's thoughts have been plucked from the storehouse of God Knowledge of all things, in the realms of ether we cannot see. We take the credit where all credit is due to God; for providing the wood, the idea, the ability to carry out the procedure and finally to have fire.

Those who love God, say immediately, "Thank You Lord for this fire and all the needed supplies."  He is the first to think of the idea of fire and allow it into His creation.

Those who hate Him in whom they do not believe, say, "I'm so smart, look at what I have and am doing; why doesn't He just verbally tell me everything I want to know instantly to save my time!" 

He is our Father Creator, Maker of heaven and earth and we should give Him His due rights, and recognise that how and why He does things concerning mankind, is His Right and is The Perfect Way for Him to accomplish His Plan concerning us. 

Why is He still tussling with us; trying to guide and teach us; drawing us to Himself? Why did He allow His own Son to be a Blood Sacrifice for the sinners of the whole earth, past, present and future? 

That's The Question!

For you, for me, while we were sinners, and many still are, He made a Way by His Law that would satisfy The Law; to redeem us back to Himself, one by one; individually.

We should be concerned with our soul's state. If we're honest with our self, we will put aside ego which stands in the doorway to fight us; to keep us from entering into Holy Knowledge. The bodyguard of the evil realm is a fearful foe.

But the Blood of Jesus makes those bodyguards powerless.

Get it and use it.

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Feelings Can Be Fickle

04/07/2024 12:19

Friend, God doesn't deal with us based on feelings; for He knows who is behind most of them. 

They are controlled by evilworkers for satan who is the "Prince of the power of the air;" because we have allowed him to silently creep into our thoughts where he has taken control easily; because we have not stayed faithful to God, and according to the free will He has given to man, we choose evil over Him and His Ways.

Here is what Paul the Apostle wrote by the Authority of God, (The Holy Spirit.)

Ephesians 2:2-3 The prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience: 3Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.

Evil uses our feelings to pull and tug us into his realm of evil; to trap us. He concentrates on our feelings and traps us into lusts of all kinds through manipulating them. Satan causes us to be secretive and dishonest, liars and criminals, disobeying man and God's Laws.

We love our feelings but when we're captured by them; to the extent of not believing God's Truth, then they are destructive to our soul. It's one thing to be caught in sinful behaviours because of lusts; but the most damaging to our soul is believing the big lie of satan; that God does not exist and if he does, He hates us.

And that is what has happened to many people. They believe what Satan has forced upon them. God hates them because things aren't going so well. They do not consider their own choices that have led them into the life of unrighteousness. It's never themselves. 

We hear it all the time, "God hates me," or "There is no God!"

Yet, Satan and his demons know for a fact that God does exist, and that God does love what He has created on earth! 

They laugh so hard at mankind when they trap them into believing God is fiction of the mind. 

And how do they trap us?

They use ego. They blow ego up to believe it is more intelligent than others; more intelligent than God Himself! They lead our minds down side roads of thought to produce doubt.

They keep us from reading His Word to us. The very instructions and teaching that will save us from the madness perpetrated by evil upon our soul and body. 

We become what Jesus calls His lost sheep. He doesn't give up on us but we are subject to His Law and we will be excluded from His Kingdom to be set up on earth in the future.

By His Spirit The Counsellor and Comforter, He reaches out to our soul, our mind and heart to draw us closer to Himself as a Shepherd shepherds His little lost lambs.

While we're covered in the mud and squalor of a wayward lifestyle, He is always at the door to our heart, knocking to come in and fellowship with us.

When we get glimpses of Holy Truth we should pay attention. In our moments of relaxation and thought we should be seeking to know the meaning of life. When we speak to God about our doubts and ask for clarification He will always respond to a genuine seeker's request. 

Put all your feelings about how the world and cosmos should be managed and decide that until you came on the scene it hasn't needed your input. Release all those clutching at straws, controling your destiny types of thoughts that lead to anxiety and depression.

The God of all things gave you life on earth. He has a Purpose for your soul. 

He will reach out with His crookended staff to pull you back from the cliff's edge. A gentle tug, and He will put you over His shoulder like shepherds of old and carry you to safety and warmth.

He wants to nurture you. He wants to teach you right from wrong. He wants to gather you up with His followers and make a home for you.

As we go through this life, we walk with Him in the supernatural; we communicate with Him in the supernatural, we praise Him with earthly voices raised to the supernatural.

We gain strength in our mind by reading His Word to us. He speaks words of Love, Mercy and Grace; all His Truth. 

He shows us how to change our fickle feelings into strong sound Biblical choices that bring us comfort, joy and peace in our soul.

Some of us He raises into warriors for His Kingdom, others are workers in His fields of the lost tribes of earth. Whatever the Heavenly position, He gives us the strength and power to do it well.

He is Victorious in all He does. He accomplishes His Will no matter what and in His Timing, Perfect Law will be revealed; Perfect Justice will prevail.

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Ultimately We Choose

04/01/2024 10:49

Friend, just as we believe we have rights as humans (in the flesh,) we also have rights for the soul housed within the flesh that makes us human; both soul and flesh given by God.

In His Word, God speaks to us of our rights for our soul and flesh, both subject to Him, Who Is, Law.

God is not separate from The Law. 

His Completness embodies The Law of and for all things that exist; both the seen by us, and the unseen by us; all of which He sees and judges by The Law of Complete Holy Justice which is Himself; because He upholds all things by Himself, being omniscient and omnipotent able to create anything He thinks into His Reality.

God does not play favourites. Our beauty, titles, wealth, humour, creativity, ancestry, culture, gives us no right standing with Him.

When we are in right standing with The Law, God Himself, we on earth will see favour on persons, and be able to discern from where it came; Good or evil.

But no matter where we get favour from man or God, it does not make us more righteous before Him, Who Is, Perfect.

Evil gives nice gifts but they are to our detriment; for when we stand before God, and all will, according to His Word to us; we will find that much  we thought came from God, never actually did. We will see that we were deceived, and we are about to be thrown into the fire with the one who we actually followed while on earth; the one who gave us wealth, helped us in our criminal acrivities, gave us earthly gifts. Satan.

It will be too late to present all those arguments we thought about while enjoying the gifts from evil. Every thought and argument we had against God and His Law, will be exposed in The Holy Court before The Holy Judge; as rebellion against Him; wilful and evil.

No argument for an unbeliever's thoughts and actions whilst on earth, will stand in His Court as righteous. We will understand that we willfully ignored Him and all the warnings against what we were about to do; and went ahead and committed the sins happily in lustful greed, anger and evil thirst.

His Justice is Perfect, unable to be tainted by satan. No amount of agreeing then, when you behold His Majesty, will suffice to get you released from the goat's pen where satan and his demons are bound ready for punishment.

You are going to be contained with evil forevermore, eternally where evil, whose full hated you will finally see as they will expose themselves proudly; will have full reign over you. You, having given up your right to call on God in Whom you did not believe; until you saw Him face to face, will be the subject of the one you served and obeyed (chose) in the flesh. 


The regret, the sorrow for your self, the fall from what you thought was grace, will be complete; and by Law will never be removed from you, because you wouldn't accept Jesus's death and resurrection as payment. 

You said, "No, I'll take my chances."

While we live and have breath in the flesh, not knowing when our last breath will be, we have a Holy Right to change from our wicked ways and receive Holy Forgiveness.

There is One Way approved by God; and it must be done this side of Heaven, now.

It's the easiest Way for those souls ready to give up ego, control, unbelief; yet for those who do not believe, it is the hardest - for they depend upon their own self, and that self they have not realised is in cahoots with the devil who hates us; because he knows God loves us.

Each soul has the built in knowledge that there is One Way when they enter the flesh. During our childhood it should be reinfoced in us gently and lovingly that God loves us and has sent His Son to be our Saviour.

But, in this era that is rarely done; and we enter a very hostile world that seeks to destroy our flesh so that we die not knowing that Saviour. We, our parents, and grandparents know nothing of the Way.

Even if we are given that wonderful start in life we sometimes by our own lusts, listening to deceitful promises of gayness and riches, enter into agreements with the devil by participating in those offerings from the satanic realm.

He emboldens us and we love the freedom and fun. For a while. Then we find we're trapped. Most of us double down then and go full tilt towards Hell.

God will have the books opened and the record of your comings and goings, your evil intents will be revealed for all to see, so that none will say you did not deserve the punishment that is coming for you.

Jesus is The Answer. 

Belief in what He did on The Cross for you is the starting point. There at the foot of The Cross you will find Holy Forgiveness. If you believe you have Forgiveness you will desire to follow Him and not evil. You will deny evil spirit access to your soul forevermore. You will do all you can to know more about God. You will speak to Jesus and work out the kinks in your thinking with Him as your Guide and Teacher, and most of all your Saviour God and Lord.

When we come to Him He sets about making a new creature out of us. He begins to renew our mind. He wants to present us to the Father as His; washed in His Blood.

The Father sees His Son's Blood covering on us and does not see the sins. He accepts us as His Own, and we will have eternal life being a citizen of The Kingdom of God.

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This Present Evil Age

03/23/2024 11:12

Friend, the Apostle of Jesus Christ, Paul, writes about this present evil age in Galatians Chapter 1:4; saying that Jesus gave Himself as a Sacrifice for us who have a sin nature, and for us who might be set free in this evil age we have been born into.

The believers in Galatia had heard about Jesus and had become followers. However, their other kinfolk and friends still under The Law, were doing satan's work by admonishing the new believers about their new found belief; quoting The Law.

They were well meaning, but the new believers were being drawn back into The Law, questioning what Jesus had done on The Cross.

Instead the believers should have been proclaiming the Truth they had found, but they were weak in Knowledge; yet all would have had their own personal testimony of being freed from The Law.

The battle between Good and evil is real. Many would think they were born here by mistake.

Not so.

Everything God does is Perfect and has a Perfect Purpose.

We are born into this world for a Purpose.

Everyone. All have a purpose here. We come at the Perfect time. 

We enter the world with the blessing of God to do so.

It's not by chance.

There may be many workings behind the scenes of what we can see, or know, while on earth; but we come by God's Design for our soul.

Once we settle that in our heart, and know that He is our real Heavenly Father, who cares for us, and wants us to succeed in the calling He has put on our life, to know His Son, we should not continue to have any bad thoughts about Him.

We should understand that being our creator and Father He is Good.

Any sinful ways in us is from our choices. We may have observed generational sins within our families and been drawn into those sins but God says, they can be overcome with His help.

The time we have on earth is for coming into close relationship with God.

If we wait till the last moment of life, we will have wasted many wonderful years of fellowship with Him.

Our Saviour has His arm outstretched to us at all times. He's saying that He didn't go to The Cross for nothing. He went there to accomplish a Great Plan; one that would settle the requirements of The Law; God Himself.

Mankind is just one tiny creation in the great cosmos; yet God wants to be intimately connected with us individually. We're not just a bunch of souls indistinguishable from another. No we all have the imprint of our Maker within.

He can instanty recognise each of us, each animal, plant, pebble and mountain. Everything is created by Him and known by Him; therefore, owned by Him to do with as He pleases.

He loves us but when we don't reciprocate and our inner core is filled with hate for Him, we will be like the fig tree that wouldn't produce it's fruit for Him.

Ultimately those who hate Him will be removed from His Realm of Goodness, Truth, and Power and cast aside into a place prepared by The Law.

While on earth, we have a chance to hear His Word, to grow in Knowledge about Him, to make wise choices with the help of The Spirit.

We just need to have ears that are ready to hear, eyes that will read The Bible, a mouth that will pray and praise and a heart surrendered to know Truth.

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The Good Of God - Live Peaceably

03/23/2024 10:40

Friend, all believers are called to do work in the Kingdom of Heaven while on earth.

God likens the earth to His Garden. He needs workers! His plants are the whole of the human race. We need tending and care to help us grow and mature to bear good fruit, ready for harvest.

The ground must be weeded, and the clods broken up, the stones removed, the earth turned over and watered; prepared for the seeds to fall into good soil.

God uses the believers talents and gifts from Him as a means for them to express their knowledge of Him; to help their fellow man, to instruct in Righteousness and teach about the adversary of their faith.

We are the gardeners, the workers in the fields; the tenders of the vines.

We are expected to be  diligent, not lazy, have Godly fervour towards others in God Love, kind and compassionate, enduring afflictions, prayerful and having abundant praise towards God.

Always abounding in the spirit of love within us, to theirs, even though exhortation may need to be used.

We must care for souls as Christ has shown us by His Work of Redemptuion at The Cross; where He made a Way for our souls to be saved from the fires of Hell if we so choose.

In Romans 12:14 we are told to bless them that persecute us and not curse anyone.

We see that our Lord Jesus Christ, stripped and beaten, and nailed to The Cross, never cursed anyone, but asked the Father to forgive all.

We must hold that picture of Him in our minds and let it come to the fore when faced with situations when we want to curse, belittle and lash out to others whom have hurt us.

Recommended reading is Romans Chapter 12 for instruction from God by His Holy Spirit, leading Apostle Paul to teach His Word to early Christian believers.

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Set Your Mind

03/22/2024 12:05

Friend, as believers we are exhorted in Colossians 3:1-2; to set our hearts and minds on the things above, not earthly woes, pursuits, and indulgences.

This is because, ultimately we all leave this earth, and the things of earth become not necessary, and have no meaning to us after death.

After our death, the soul is separated from the flesh, and the flesh decays or is burnt to ashes. But the soul is eternal and lives on.

And, the life on earth was used to separate believers from unbelievers, we find.

The devil likes to keep our mind occupied with the things of earth, guiding us into bad choices so we will suddenly be taken, and he will be waiting to claim our soul. This is the deceit of satan. This is what he does to the souls of men. God has allowed him access to us and He has given us a soul from Himself that ultimately does know He exists and is Good.

Why do we refuse Him? This is the real question we must ask ourself.

He will protect us as we journey through life when we give our allegiance to Him. The darts will be thrown but they will not wound us to death. They may hurt a little until we lean to strengthen ourself in Him and give the battle to Him. 

Let all Glory be His so others may see He did the Good Work in us, not ourselves. Satan wants us to fight him hard and rely on our own strrength but that will not get us the soul victory! 

God is warning us here to think on the things above. The spiritual, supernatural realm.

How do we get into The Kingdom of God to enjoy our new existence; after a life of living in the flesh?

We set our mind on the things above!

We set out on a new path.

We decide to find Truth.

We reject all deceiving paths, the luring of wealth, beauty, fame, fun, gifts and games designed to keep us occupied from pursuing our new goal.

We say "NO!" firmly, and stick with it, to all the things offered that go against God's Word in His Holy Bible.

We decide to read The Bible.

We decide to hear God out.

We decide to talk to God.

We decide to believe Him only.

We follow all His Fatherly Advice; knowing it is for our Good to do so. 

For our Eternal soul's good.

We receive His Love and Care and grow in spiritual knowledge.

We become mature over the years in Godliness of character and being.

We accept His Son as our Saviour Redeemer.

We're thankful and full of praise for Father, Son and Spirit.

We help others to know The Path to Righteousness in God Almighty so they too, may be Redeemed back to Him.

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