
That One Sin

05/10/2016 21:12

Friend, are you desiring to be admitted to the Kingdom of God and finding it difficult?

Is everything you do or think an obstacle because you cannot seem to stay focused, and make your new knowledge the driver of your soul's new path to Freedom in Christ?

John Bunyan a great writer who wrote The Pilgrim's Progress, describes it as a "sinking". He says he felt he was always "sinking".

He saw others around him as being way more stable in their lives and faith than himself, and it caused him great concern for his own saved state that he so desired to have a firm hold of.

He recognized himself as a wretch; so profoundly a sinner striving minute by minute to stay the course with the Lord Jesus.

One day in despair and about to give up all hope and return to his evil ways, he heard a voice within clearly speak to him, "This sin is not unto death."

This would be the second death when all who have rejected Jesus (as the Son of God and therefore the Word of God, Holy Spiit, and God), as the Bible states, will receive their just punishment; eternal death, removed from the presence of God and living in Hell which has been prepared for them.

Bunyan was so overwhelmed by these words that came to him as Truth and Peace for his soul; the timing being of so great in importance to him, that he had no doubt that God was not condemning him, as he himself had been condemning his sinful infractions of the Law.

He now saw that he could approach Jesus in a different manner. That of Saviour who would forgive Him, time and time again if he was repentant and humble.     

Friend, the sin that cannot be forgiven is the denial of the Lord Jesus when God has a Plan for you to become a child of His in the Kingdom and you will not listen or learn of His Son whom He sent to die on your behalf, to have your sins forgiven.

He knows after we receive forgiveness that we are a work in progress, and we are in need of guidance and forgiveness for the slip-ups we make. As long as we repent and recognize our sin we will be forgiven for those new sins as well.

It's when we stop and say "To hell with this, I'm not walking this Path any longer" that God is pushed away from us, by our own free will choice.

So friend, don't be too hard on yourself. Christ died for your sins before you received Salvation and for those in the future, that are not wilful and habitual but slipups and regrettable in nature.

Consider yourself on a par with other believers who are climbing up the mountain to reach God, learning as they go along to be humble, contrite and joyful because of the great Sacrifice of our Lord for our souls to be redeemed from the clutches of evil.

Friend, listen for that still small voice within and be overjoyed for the Love and Mercy that has been shown to you by the One who holds your future in His hands..

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Live For The Inner Spirit

05/09/2016 18:35

Friend, we cannot expect to be spiritual if we only live for the exterior things in life.

Our soul cries out for nourishment but is seldom satisfied, because we give it exterior things that make only, the flesh happy.

But the soul lives in the interior and needs it's nourishment from the One who created it.

God asks us to be the one who lives for the inner spiritual life. And we have to do it while walking through our earth life. This factor makes it very difficult to do when we do not involve Him in the process.

He has to be the One who leads. He is the One who knows the Way. He is familiar with all our faults and knows how to untangle them so that we have a joyful inner experience even while the flesh may suffer.

Friend, be encouraged and uplifted in your soul by the renewing of your mind by the Holy Spirit.

Jesus died for you to have this Gift of inner Knowledge and to realize Truth and Wisdom; to know Love and Peace in the interior of our soul.

Let today be the day when you can make a mark on your calender. Let it be a day of remembrance; when you finally accepted Him (Jesus) as your Saviour, and immersed yourself in the belief that He is God; and began your spiritual journey with the Holy Spirit.

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Lover Of The Helpless

05/09/2016 10:01

Friend, many of us have felt helpless.

Jesus loves us in this state. It comes about when we are ready to look at any help we can get for our situation.

He is always there waiting for us to answer His call. He has put the angels to work, to watch over us, and to throw gems of wisdom and Godly help in our path.

Many times we do not see these opportunities for help in our helplessness, but, they are there.

God is always for us and trying to reveal His Goodness to us.

It is we, ourselves who have our head turned away and are rebellious, not wanting to accept "that" help!

But, friend, this is the help we all need. We will be sorry when we stand before Him at the Judgement and see all the instances when He was for us and offered help that we always rejected.

Jesus does not want us to stay in this helpless situation. He wants to pull us out of the mire, but if we do not take that Godly hand and grasp onto it, we will not move forward on the Righteous Path.

But, friend, He does love our helplessness because it gives Him a chance to help us; our spirits at this juncture in our lives, now willing to see and hear  Godly spiritual things.

Take a look back at your life and think if you had made a different choice, where would you be now.

Yes, He loves the helpless just so He can be the Helper to them and He will be appreciated and recognized for Who He is.

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God Wants Us

05/05/2016 20:47

Friend, be assured that Holy God All Powerful and full of Love and Truth is after your soul.

He came to this earth, in the form of a baby.

He wore the flesh as we do. He experienced our pain and heartache.

It was always His to have the worst of mankind put upon Him.

In doing so, He has shown us that we can be overcomers and endure to the end with faith in God, as He did with His Father.

He was a blessing to many. He healed. He taught, He comforted. He loved.

We will see in the afterlife all that He has done for us throughout our lives.

We will also see how we opposed Him at every turn, how we would not deny ourselves something we knew in our spirit was not righteous or pleasing to the Father.

If Jesus had abandoned us, we would not have made it to Heaven.

If He had not gone to the Cross, we would not have had a Saviour.

We would have been under The Law The Ten Commandments.

Who could have made it to Heaven?

There is none righteous, no, not one, says the Lord.

We are in need of a Saviour who will rescue us from the Law.

His Name is Jesus. He did it to the Father's Pleasure.

All who understand, may step forward and receive forgiveness and everlasting life with the Son.

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Meditation 1 Peter 3:12 Verse

05/03/2016 22:47
Scripture.  For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and His ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.  1 Peter 3:12 KJV
The Holy Spirit is speaking words of comfort to us the righteous believers, to assure us that Jesus has his eyes on us, to watch over us, and listen and answer our prayers.
To know that the Lord's face is turned from the evil people of this world is to know that their desire to do us harm will be thwarted - unless for His grand purpose for our life, it is His will to allow something that will grow us spiritually for His good.
That trial or test will be closely monitoried by the Spirit and we will be victorious over it when we walk closely with our Saviour.
When a trial comes, we should immediately go to Him in prayer and supplication. He will walk us through the fiery furnace; to come out at the other end, a more stable Christian and one who can minister to others with Godly strength, giving Him all the Glory, knowing only in Him, did we make it through.
It is possible to make it through trials without Jesus but the difference is that the growth is only in the flesh, not spiritual.  It has no eternal value. 
That type of overcoming while seeming victorious to the world is like chaff that gets blown away by the wind, or burned  to become ashes. And the spirit of a man does not gain anything.
Lord, thank You that your eyes are upon me and Your ears are open to my prayers.  Help me to walk closely with you day by day so when the trials come, I will be already looking to you and be able to trust in You. I offer up praise for your Goodness and the Love and care you have for me as your child. Help me to stay connected to you all day every day so that I too, like all the saints will be an overcomer of sin. Amen.


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Hardness Must Go

05/03/2016 12:55

Friend, do you feel the Lord is allowing circumstances to break the hardness of your heart?

When you can recognize that the hardness of your heart is not completely gone, you are on the road to fullness in Jesus.

He takes us as we are, dirty, filthy, undesirable, unkind, unclean, undeserving, and with our permission; believing in Him, having faith; He begins to chip off areas of our heart, that we think we need to keep us grounded, or will protect us.

God wants us to be vulnerable before Him and trust Him. He will never harm His loved ones.

He desires we recognize our faults and allow Him to cleanly remove the offending bits, with His surgical precision.

Throughout our life, damage from the life we have lived, sometimes through no fault of our own, sometimes, wilfuly rebelling against Him, has caused great scars and sores to develop on our heart.

Jesus sees them and knows which ones to remove first so the others will be easier and easier to remove.

Trust Him to do a good work in your soul and spirit. He knows the way for you to go. He understands the hopelessness that comes with a hardened heart.

On the outside we are all bravado and positive but inwardlly we know we are a mess.  He is the Great Healer and He will, with our permisssion, pare away the offending bits that keep us from havng a full life of victory over our sin, and love in our hearts that is pure for our fellow sourjourning souls.

Just allow Him to be the keeper of your soul and when He cuts away the offending part, do not cry over it, but rejoice!

Yes, friend, the hardness must go. We must be open and vulnerable and contrite and repentant and humble before God.

He actually loves us this way. That is the soul He responds to favourably.

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False Wisdom

04/27/2016 23:13

Friend, only Pure, Holy Wisdom should be our desire.

Seek it with all your heart. a pure heart, one that is humbled before God; desiring only to know His Ways and Will.

All humans think they have all the answers. 

We read something, stumble upon something the devil has illuminated on the path we are travelling down, and think we have found "wisdom", but we should test it against God's Holy Word, to see if in fact, it is God's Way and not just our own way that we choose to believe in. 

It could be, the belief that could become the destruction of our soul, before we are aware of the damage done; spending many years following a demonic force; dressed as light and life and peace and goodwill, not realizing how damaging to our soul it will be.

Evil is very deceitful. It has many religions where good people are enslaved thinking they will be going to Heaven. But, always it is our own choice that has kept us there. We have believed in the goodness and peace message but without the Truth. Sadly, some call themselves Christian.

Many are the stories we hear in the local and international news of men and women who believe they are "Jesus Christ" or the "New World Leader" or various other "important leaders or teachers" that humans have been waiting for and who will help us.

God says to test those spirits to see if they are of Him.

We can test them when we know His Word. He has put all we need to "test and know" within His Word.

Tonight on television there was an episode that pitted two sets of people against each other. One side were Christians who did not want to be involved with psychics or taro card readings because of their Christian faith.  The other side were lovely good people who just believed everything was okay to do - there is no wrong way to live.

But God warns us in His Word, against interacting with mediums and seers because these types of persons mostly are from the dark side and are governed by demonic forces who are still able to interact with us through these seers; and who use us, to extract our hard earned wages through giving us information of things that have happened ( to convince or "prove" to us their knowledge) which is something these deceiving evil spirits know about, being in the spiritual realm.

It is nothing new for them to know about us.

They witness us going about our daily business; we do speak and chatter about everything to each other, so giving them plenty of knowledge about us, that they can use to fool us into thinking this person in front of us a "psychic" or card reader is "talented/has a gift" or is, "knowing". 

People who believe in these spirits will receive false wisdom. Information to convince us they are "good" spirits will be correct, but all other guidance will be to lead you away from God.

That is their mission statement. Evil spirits must lead us astray; into their own ways. They work on us so that we follow them into gloom and doom. How they'll laugh when you meet up with them after your spirit leaves your flesh body at death!

You'll know you were a fool, a puppet of satan.

But you can be a child of the Living God now, and have a personal relationship with Jesus through the love and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Choose wisely, my friend.


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