When Christ Came To Earth

11/17/2023 10:21

Friend, as the Christmas Season comes upon us, let's have hearts of wonder and awe for what God has done for us in His Way and in His Name.

Man has chosen this time of year to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

It's a celebration and remembrance of a Holy Day when The Christ of God (annointed of God,) was born into the world.

We celebrate that God loved us so much; that He made a Way, that could not be taken from us, by the evil forces in the world; unless by our own soul's consent; mankind, having a Lawful Free Will.

And that was through His Son, the only One who was Holy Pure; who could pay the enormous price (the punishment set forth in The Law,) for all sinners, past, present, future; and for all their sins, past, present and future.  

The Law; which God controls perfectly and righteously within Himself; Him being Law Itself; was broken by mankind; initially in The Garden of Eden, with Adam and Eve; which caused all future humans to be born into a world of sin, because the world and all in it were now made sinful. The understandnig of good and evil was now evident to them. Jealousy, hatred and every evil way were now part of the human experience.

God had claimed in Genesis that He had created good things; and it is necessary to His Word, that we are to be made Good again in His sight/Law.  By His Law He came to earth to redeem us, from the bondages and chains of evil; to REDEEM those who believed in Him; to fulfill His Declaration, "It is Good," made at the beginning.

This was to be a once and for all New Covenant He would make with us. God knows the hearts of all humans. In His Perfect Timing, His Son came, and in His Perfect Timing all will be made Righteous in God's Sight, again. 

In a Holy Lawful Way; hidden from the eyes of the evil realm; Jesus was born to Mary. The prophets in the Old Testament prophesied centuries before He came.  (All pre ordained by God from time eternal.)

Evil were expecting an earthly king to be born, when God checkmated them with Mary, the simple virginal peasant girl who was devoted to God and knew about The Messiah to come.

Had The Trinity been preparing her? Most assuredly. Guarding her ways and protecting her from evil. She being submitted to Him by her own choosing throughout her life.

At Easter, another celebration Holy Day that man has chosen, we remember His Death and celebrate His Resurrection that proved He was God.

He told the Disciples who He was. The Way, The Truth and The Life. He taught them many things that they needed to know, so they could have full conviction that He was God come to earth to save and redeem the Jews. 

In His sermons to them, He left nothing out that they needed to know to sustain their faith.

Many of them have written, or had scribes to write, their words. These have become our Bible.

Believers call The Bible; The Word of God. By His Spirit, He has revealed great things to His chosen, and that includes mankind today, who have access to His Holy Words of Truth and Wisdom.

The Bible is Trustworthy and True. God has manipulated it finally into our hands for our edification, and speaks to us through it, in a variety of ways.

We see in the writings of Paul the Apostle that Jesus met him on the road to Damascus; (where he was going to hunt and arrest Christians;) that Jesus told him many things, which God, The Word, wanted brought into His Teachings for the world; eventually in God's Timing, to become writings in The Bible.

He wanted the Apostle (not a Disciple) to talk to the leader of the Disciples; known as Peter; and prove to him that Christ came for all men not only the Jews. 

Our Lord corrected some of the mistakes that the Disciples had fallen into. They were beginning to use the teachings they had learned at the synagogue before their conversion to Chrstianity; and apply them to the New Covenant, and that was wrong.

Teachings about what to eat, and who to be friends with, and the exclusivity of the Jews to God.

God wants it known to every man that He is interested in having a close personal spiritual relationship with him or her, no matter the age, religious beliefs or infirmity.

The Christmas Season is a time to consider, celebrate, thank, and speak intimately with our Saviour.