God's Law Prevails

03/05/2016 10:06

Friend, God is Pure Law. All He does is Pure. He makes no mistakes.

He is above all things and over all things and in all things.

Nothing exists without His knowledge because He is the Creator of all things.

Everything is governed by Him and His Law prevails throughout all creation.

He wants us to recognize this. He has given us the free will to look around and recognize His Majesty and Truth that is always Good.

Within us He has placed the desire to know Him, because He desires to have a personal relationship with each of us. He wants the fellowship and love that we can give back to Him. He created everything for His Pleasure.

Until the day we die we should be seeking Him and His Will. Even finding Him in the form of Jesus still requires us to grow in the knowledge of Godly Ways so that we can grow ever closer to Him. Our journey should be continual, searching, seeking, growing in Godly Knowledge.

It does not end when we find that Jesus died for our sins and has made a Way for us. We must step on the Path and begin to explore Holiness with the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Christianity is not supposed to be a stagnant religion.

Jesus is alive and so must we be.