Who Is Equal To God

02/12/2024 10:56

Friend, so many of us intend to meet God on our own terms. 

And many do to their disadvantage and to the detriment of their soul.

There is no equal to God.

He is Almighty in every aspect of His Being and Existence.

He creates none higher than Himself.

Man was not made equal to God.

We were planned to fit into His Existence in the "slot" He designed; the earth, on the ground, with a body.

He accomplished this and called it "Good."

Man doesn't want to hear about someone dying for us. 

We don't think we need that. We think God should accept us just the way we are; grevious sinners against Him, His Word, His Plan, His Ways and Will.

We don't believe we're that bad.

We think that God will "hear us out."

After all, any sins we have committed are not that bad. Everybody is doing "that."

Besides, God is Love and has forgiven everything; we're all going to heaven.


Do you not know Who God Is?

His thoughts are so much higher than mankind.

We're not created equal to God. We can never be equal to God.

If you're having these thoughts; you have been compromised by the evil dominion workers (demons) of the prince over the power of the earth; once named Lucifer, now named Satan, both names given by God.

Mankind, created by God as Good, Pure and Lovely; made a decision; a choice to listen to Satan, in The Garden of Eden, and that decision broke our Perfection before God, causing us to know evil, for we were already created good; and since then we have grown to be sinners denying the Power and Majesty of God; because we love sin more.

Consider that the Holy Gift of Free Will, Pure and Good, could not conatin evil in it.

Evil has entered the whole world, since the fall of mankind through Adam and Eve's choice to know evil.

This is a result of breaking intimate fellowship with The Creator of all things. When God speaks it will be so. It is a Lawful edict. When mankind, subject to Him (Law) breaks that thread, we are subject to the requirements of the Law in order for God to be Pure, Good and Lawful to all.

Mankind, since The Fall, is under the requirements of breaking the Law.

Our forefather and mother did this. They broke the connection of their soul to God in Purity. They became sinners of a very grevious sort.

There was plenty for Adam and Eve to do and be in The Garden. God is Good and all He provided for them; and the future for them, was only for Goodness. There was no need to even speak to the evil one; especially since they knew how Good their Creator was. 

Of course, God had a provision for that in Law because by His Law He had Given Free Will so there was always the possibility that man would fall; and we are living in the consequences of that fall, today. 

He had to because He is Perfect in all He does, and all Law does have conseuences written should It be broken. 

All souls born into the earth are going to face the same choice; Good or evil; God or Satan.

God must get rid of the evil of the whole world, and in His Timing and according to His Law, He will.

At one time in The Beginning, The Garden of Eden was contained in Holy Purity, away from the rest of the world which already had the prince of the evil of the power of the air over it causing all kinds of evil ways to infect the earth.  But after the fall into evil knowledge of Adam and Eve the Garden was no longer needed. The fallen couple were banished into the world to be subject to evil's master.

They lost the ability to walk with God spirit to spirit.

They must have surely regretted their choice but were now subject to having to look after themselves; this being the consequence of wanting to know evil things.

But still be subject to The Almighty One; Who had to give them over into evil's hands because they had broken the Covenant He had with them. 

His Law is Pure and has no loopholes. 

This is why He also had  a New Covenant ready to execute when He created man.

It would be only by Holy Blood that mankind could be pardoned from their sin, and made whole in The Law.

This Holy Blood was supplied by Jesus.

It's on offer; since the Resurrection where Jesus was sat at the Right Hand of The Father; to anyone who will brave the rigors of evil, and step away into The Holy Light, by The Blood of The Lamb of God, Who came to save the world.

We must accept Jesus if we want to be in the New Covenant; and by doing this we must be humbled in spirit to repent before the One Who took on our Punishment.