
The Soul - Where Does It Go?

10/30/2023 11:13

Friend, the word "soul" which is English for the Greek, "psyche," is mentioned around 500 times in The King James Bible.

God wants us to know He has given us a soul.

It's the supernatural representation of Himself, that He has given to each of us to have a life in the flesh that is different to the animals.

It's what He expects to return to Himself upon our death in the flesh.

He actually owns it even more than He owns the flesh, which will return to the dust of the earth as matter.

Flesh to dust, and soul, the living entity of ourself that is pure, returns to God; BUT is it in the same state as when He gave it life in the flesh?

If it is not, He cannot receive it to Himself.

And, He says in His Word, that none are pure anymore. Not one of us.

It is the consequence from when Eve allowed herself to be tempted in The Garden, she opened the door for evil beings to enter our bodies.

Knowing our situation, and moving only within His Own Perfect Law; He had to consult The Law ( which is Himself, Pure and Perfect) and He found that only a Sacrificial death of flesh which would shed Holy Blood, would appease The Law.

Who would or could that be?

It had to be Himself. Only God if He had a flesh body could have Holy Blood. Angels could not produce Holy Blood by mating with humans.

Only God could Father a child of earthlings, that would produce Holy Blood fit for a Holy Sacrifice, so immense that it would satisfy The Law of all things. 

Jesus The Son, The Word, The One Who Created earth and it's inhabitants, stepped forward - because He loves what He has created, and said, "I will go." ( To be The Holy Sacrifice for us.)

And so He did. 

He left all His Heavenly privileges (not His Power) His beautiful surroundings, His ease of existing, to be confined in an earthly body as a baby, for us; to pay for all the sins of mankind, past present and future mankind and all of those sins.

He experienced our life in the times of meagre living, in a poor family, in a time when much of the Scripture had been trampled over by the church elders, to try to get the people to obey The Law, The Commandments of God.

When the time was right, in God's Perfect Time and Plan for The Whole, He was born into this world to be our Saviour, if we so chose to accept Him as such.

He came to be an example of Holy living as a human; to show His Power to heal and work miracles; to help us to know real Love, to teach us great and mighty things we did not know, to raise some from the dead, to rebuke some, to draw others to Himself, to show Holy Kindness, to show Righteous Anger, to show laying on of hands to pray for others, how to pray to The Father and give us Holy Knowledge and to fulfill the prophecies of The Prophets of God.

The Disciple John said that Jesus uttered so many Words that not enough books could ever be written to contain them!

Oh, if only they could have been written!

But that was not in The Plan of God. 

God knows us through and through. He knows what and when we will accept revelation about Himself. 

He makes no mistakes. He does not err. 

Everything He does is Perfect in every way. 

He is Sovereign in all things.

We have chosen paths that lead away from Him and even in those choosings, He has not been surprised. Built in responses and consequences according to Perfect Law are in place to unlock gates, and doors to paths, roads and highways that lead to the end results of those unlawful choices.

We get to the end of those deadends, and our soul cries out in despair. We don't like it anymore; we want out!

He has made a Way out.

It is through The Holy Door which is opened by His Son who waits for the prodigals to return to Him.

When He does, we see the nail scared wrists and feet.

We know He did that for our soul to be able to be rescued from sins so deep and wide that to us it was impossible.

But there He is. Alive. Living. A Bright and Shining Light, of Love, Truth, Grace and Mercy.

We should all fall to our knees, or on our faces, at the realisation of the enormous cost He paid for our soul; when He, being so Perfect, could have shunted us aside to be burned into nothingness; we are that filthy in His presence. 

But friend, this is our God. He loves what He has created. We are subject to His Law and those of us who will not accept that He had to pay with His own Blood for us to be reconciled to The Father, cannot be allowed by Law to co-exist with Him.

We will be separated from God; no question. 

Satan will claim us. But not for our good. No, he has plans to torture our soul for eternity.

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The World's Distractions

10/23/2023 09:01


Friend, everyday we are more and more distracted by the offerings of the world; and we are daily losing spiritual ground in ourselves, and losing hours, days and minutes off our unknown lifespan.

Our situation is dire actually and very few see it.

Too many think they are here to have fun, experience everything on their bucket list and to have perfect health.

Too many give no thought to their spiritual life.

And this is what evil has designed for us; as many "things" as possible to distract us from knowing our Creator.

Satan is not our Creator!

He is created too!

He's the bad big brother who wants to destroy the soul which God gave to us that would return to Him.

Satan acts like he loves us, but in actual fact, satan hates us; because God loves those of us who love Him, and He died for all, even the biggest sinner, to make a Way whereby any soul who will come to Him and acknowledge Him, will receive Forgiveness and eternal life.

God understands what evil has done and is doing. 

We have a choice. Acknowledge God or acknowledge satan.

By acknowledge that means to follow and obey.

If we follow and obey satan we will be his; our soul will be freely claimed by satan.

What he has in store for those souls is, nothing they will enjoy, because he is going to torture them forever. Even though he claims you it is not for your good! He will take out his frustration and anger on you just as he has, while you lived on earth.

But God offers our souls a full and fruitful, meaningful life with Him. He is building a New Jerusalem where He will rule from, and we will be His people; remembering no more, any sorrowful thing from our past life. We will have no pain. We will be fully healthy. We will have Holy Joy and know and understand many wonderful things about God, that will fill us with satisfaction. Their will be no anxiety or depression in the Kingdom.

But today, by the supernatural influence of satan which we received from Adam and Eve, we are distracted, from the thought of Heavenly Life with Him and wherever He takes His Kingdom.

Adam and Eve opened the "door" for the demons to enter the Paradise Garden of Eden and everyone born is living in the evil world.

God told them "Don't do that," but Eve listened to satan who said, "surely God did not mean that."

We'd rather play games; unending in their variety to keep our mind fully occupied; to make us think we are quelling the demons when in fact the demons are leading us into deeper and deeper level of demonic activity that is displeasing to God, and has already been judged by Him, with the sentencing declared, and with the punishment soon to come.

Will you be caught up in the punishment having been snatched up by satan and his demonic army whilst you were thinking you weren't doing anything harmful?

We do not know when God's Timing is going to bring about the end times written about in The Book of Revelation in The Holy Bible.

God has given us warning signs, but will we hear, or will we be otherwise occupied, with our social media, television and movie entertainment, and  gaming time?

You know the answer. Only You can choose to look away and ponder the spiritual nature of your life.

It is your choice. God will not pull you into the Kingdom kicking and screaming as you clutch your phone or screen of choice.

God desires we take times of solitude. Times to think in meditative contemplation. 

That's where He is trying to guide us to.


It is there when He meets us. When the sounds of the world are quieted.

When the distractions of the world are gone.

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Now Is The Time

10/18/2023 11:43

Friend, now is the time to turn within; to examine yourself.

The world encourages new age meditation but God is not in that form of meditation.  

The Bible tells us to meditate on our "bed" day and night.

Most of us do that; we toss and turn, we sweat and cry.

The anger and sorrow emerges and we get sad and depressed because we have no answer. We just see more of the same being our lot.

But God asks us to turn our thoughts towards Him in these times of unknowing, not understanding, the beginnings of misery.

When we do, He meets us there; on our swing, gazing at the sky, in the old rocking chair on the front porch, sitting by shimmering water, listening to nature, resting on our bed, in silent prayer that leads to thoughts of who God is...

He is our Hope.

Yet at the same time, evil forces immediately get in the way, and bring sudden desires to our attention and if we let them, they win and we start roaming around looking for physical satisfaction in food, liquor, television, atheltic endeavours, and so on.

But all God desires, is we get to know Him, and He will give us Peace that passes our understanding.

Our mind will be relieved of it's frantic machinations when we come into the knowledge of God's Truth.

Where will you find that in a concentrated form? Somewhere we can return to again and again to get knowledge and understanding.

It's The Holy Bible, devised by God through the hands of men, to be a Godly History of Who He Is.

God wants you to know His Truth. He wants to tell you His Story.

He wants you to know The Factual Truth, of Himself, and what He is doing in His Kingdom.

And He wants to tell you about yourself.

Who you are to Him, why you are here, and how to find your way in the world.

The Bible is a work of God that speaks intimately to your soul and spirit within the flesh.

He intentionally wrote it in the fashion He did to fool those who think they are wise and could do better. But could they? Could they speak to men in different centuries, and decades, and then gather completely different men together, hundreds of years later; to bring His Living Word into One Holy God Testimony?

No none could do it. Bible scholars through the ages marvel at what He has done!

Friend, His Words can soothe. They can uplift, inspire, and encourage.

He explains how we can have an inner happiness; even when the world around us seems to be bearing down trying to destroy us.

He assures us of His Love when we tell Him we love Him.

He shows His Sovereignity to us, and paints word pictures of the realm in which He rules all of His Kingdom; in His Word.

He gives all the necessary information we need to have, to have Hope, and the tools we need, to live a good life.

Today is the day to recognise Him and read His Word. 

It's not a difficult read. He will help you.

But if you get ahead of Him, doing all your own thinking and judging, you will not receive the Perfect Truth, because your doubt clouds your mind.

He wants us to come to Him like a little child. 

Read His Word like it's the first thing you ever read; read it like you hear His Voice speaking to you through the Spirit filled Words.

And one day you will get Holy understanding and realise He "spoke" to you; your innermost soul and spirit, and you understood!





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War, Lies and Deceit

10/10/2023 10:51

Friend, here we are in October 2023.

Israel is at war!

Israel has been surprise attacked!

With all the resources she has at hand to intelligently gather information about the plots and schemes from all those countries surrounding her; she wasn't prepared for such a massive missile attack from many quarters.

But Israel is a God-fearing/God-loving nation.

Our Saviour was borne in the womb of an Israelite; Mary, a virgin chosen from the Line of David to be the birth mother of His Son.

Adam the first man created by God, is the father of those men and women who stayed believers in God, taught their children and grandchildren about God The Creator of all things, and from whom God found suitable to establish His people; after the fall of Adam and Eve who developed through the influemce of satan, rebellious hearts.

Genesis gives us the full lineage that leads to Mary being chosen; making Jesus a King from the lineage of King David of Israel.

Israel is a nation and land which God shows Who He Is to the nations.

During the end times we will see many prophecies being fulfilled regarding Israel.

After the people chosen by God to ascend to Him without the need to physically experience death, have risen to be with Him, all who have ever been born into the earth, will know for sure that God loved Israel, and had a Purpose for it's existence, and will make a New Jerusalem that will descend from the clouds to a new earth as told in Revelation.

All the haters will be awaiting their reward, for they truly have been deceived by satan into believing they are deserving of God's favour, but will not see anything good come to them as a reward. 

Unless, they, during this time alive on the earth, use their God-given right, to come into alignment with Him and His Way and Law.

No matter the language, the dynasties, the kingdoms, the politics, the traditions, the tribes, the cultures, the ways and means set out by man of which there are multitudes, God is THE RULER of all. 

And when we accept this as a fact, we have a foundational belief that we can use, to understand God.

Because time is short for mankind, Jesus has come to show a Way.

Since His death and resurrection, we can in an instant, be saved from the punishment that awaits all who do not accept Jesus.

The life of Jesus shows us that God loves us.

He understands us. He says we are worth saving if we will come to Him as little children, professing to know nothing and are sorry for our wicked ways.

God knows we're all wicked. He sees all we do and say!

He sees we have all gone astray from Wholeness.

But, He cannot accept us into His Holy Kingdom as we are; without the Blood of His Son to cover our sin nature. 

We are tainted, evil, wicked. We do not fit into the Purity of Himself.

He had a Plan to make a Way for those of us who will recognise His Son; and He carried it out at Calvary right under the nose of Satan who thought he was winning against God, by manipulating Jesus's death. 

But Satan didn't know about the Resurrection!

God knows who is the instigator of our demise.

It is Satan; Lucifer, the father of lies; the wicked one; the one who gave up beauty and position to play a game with God; a war game of annihilation, of God.

But what satan doesn't tell you, is that if he annihilates God; everything will cease to exist including himself.

That is not going to happen, so if you are the atheist or agnostic which doesn't like hearing "Jesus" or "God" and who believes it would be best if God could be eliminated, then you are not thinking clearly.

If God is eliminated, everything is eliminated. 

But fear not, God cannot be eliminated, or caught and imprisoned like Satan will be when he is sent to Hades. 

God has those KEYS.

You are being lied to you. Your thoughts are not of yourself, they come from the kingdom of darkness where the most sadistic and degenerate being rules you; by deceit, and by lies.

Think about how God must be all things Good, yet the evil you see does exist. 

How can that be?

Satan is an entity, once a great angel, given great powers by God, and the ability to deny Him.

It has done that. God always has a Plan that none can attain to the Knowledge of. 

His Plan will show all creation that He is Good. We will see that evil deserves fully what it gets because of God's Goodness for The Whole.

Now is the time to jump ship from Satan.

Jesus is waiting to catch you.


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God Is A Forgiver

10/04/2023 15:51

Friend, many people think of God only as a wrathful God.

Yet The Cross is a permanent reminder to the peoples of earth, and all the inhabitants of The Kingdom of God, that He is a Forgiving God as well.

Yes, God is capable of wrath.

But He restrains Himself and judges perfectly, before any wrathful sentencing is carried out.

And this is because He has given to mankind the Gift of Free Will.

That Gift must satisfy The Law. It is not given so that we can run amok and ruin all of Creation. 

Free Will is not above The Law.

God is not a fool.

Our Free Will must operate with God's Law.

EXAMPLE: We don't get a free pass if we kill someone; because The Law says we are not to kill another human. That tops the Free Will aspect of our life.

We would be judged guilty by God even if found not guilty by our own man made laws of the earth.

We did the act. There is no reason we are allowed to kill another in God's Law.

He is the Decider/Judge by His Law; the Holiest most Pure and Righteous; for all beings He has created.

That is the Ultimate Court; the one where all will see Him and know that He is Righteous and Trustworthy.

We will tremble at the Magnificence of Who He Is. 

Those of us who have believed in His Son will have no fear. 

We will be set apart from those who did not accept His Son.

It won't matter which god they have worshipped, even if they pretended to love Him by another name.

The Only Name He accepts is Jesus.

None will be able to fool Him.

He sees the inner workings of our heart and mind.

Forgiveness is ours in this life.

Do not go to your grave without it!

Jesus died for you, and you have only to believe and tell God you believe in His Son. He will do the rest. You will be like a new born baby but you will grow into maturity by reading His Word, and sitting at the feet of The Master Jesus for the rest of your days.

Give up what you need to as He convicts you. 

See the world as He sees.

Hear what He says in His Word, to you and hold it closely in your mind at all times.

Let it be the lens you look through out into the world.

He has a plan for you. 

It may be a simple life for you; it may be a hard slog for others just stay faithful.

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The Law

09/26/2023 13:05

Friend, there are times when we feel low in spirit because we feel lonely; but as believers we have the right to deny those feelings any power over us because we know we have a Holy Companion in Jesus who is available for us, to speak out our feelings to Him in earnest.

He is ever listening to His friends, companions, sons and daughter, brothers and sisters; you and I.

However you see yourself in relation to Him; He will be in agreement with you.

If you see yourself as having no relationship with Him, He will respect that decision.

But, if you call yourself a follower, a disciple, a believer, a friend, sister or brother, He acknowledges that; and will answer your questions in that tone.

So, today, who are you to Him?

May He call you child?

May He call you; dear one?

May He call you; beloved, disciple?

How shall He address you?

Shall He say, "I do not know you,"  because of your total denial and unbelief in His existence; because you disregard His attempts to reveal who He is, to you?

The Bible reveals His Great Love for the things He has created; and we are one of the billions of things He has created.

He waits patiently for us. He gives this time on earth for us to know Him; to understand that in spite of all we have done to spoil His Perfect Creation, He still loves us.

Like the Perfect Father of which He Is, He loves with a Holy Pure Love; a Just Love that will come against everything that has come against those who love Him; when the time of His Law is played out.

Because whenever He speaks it to to the whole of all He Is, it is considered by our small minds to be Law at it's most perfect having no flaws or loopholes and it is unchangeable.

We are the ones who run against Law. By our own choices we put into effect the consequences of breaking His Law; for Law always has consequences, or else it wouldn't exist. We see the consequences and experience them daily!

God is Law and therefore Law exists whether we like The Law or not.

There used to be a saying "The buck, stops here."

And that arises from God's Law of Who He Is. He's Law, and all things come to The Law, to be Judged in Holiness. That's where the "buck" really stops; at the Judgment seat of God.

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The Earth

09/23/2023 10:40

Those that wait upon the Lord, they shall inherit the earth. Psalm 37:9b

Friend the Bible tells us that many people have chosen through their own free will, to follow after what the world offers now.

In this life most of us are naturalists. We love the natural world; all the flora and fauna, the geology, the oceans, lakes and rivers.

We give no thought to how it came into existence; we accept and enjoy it's beauty because it's there.

This hasn't always been so; mankind has bulldozed it's way into forrests, and dumped it's refuse into the oceans; polluted the skies with space debris, hunted animals into extinction, and so on.

Now we have a conscience about these things, and we are doing better, while recognising we have a right to be housed and fed, and seek for creature comforts at the same time.

The Bible in this above mentioned Psalm verse, speaks to us through the Spirit, and Word, of God The Father; that those of us who believe and have faith, waiting upon the Lord's return as Messiah King, shall inherit the earth.

None others will inherit it: the Bible is clear on that; calling the others, wicked, and transgressors.

In the beginning God made the earth and placed Adam, and later Eve, in it, and gave them dominion over the earth and all that was in it.

God's Plan was always for mankind to inhabit the earth; yet He had previous to Adam's arrival, banished satan to the earth realm, allowing him to keep some powers he had been given by God; and one was over the air, the skies of earth.

The Lord declares, only the faithful believers made pure by Jesus's Blood, will inherit the earth; which is at that time in the far future, made new with a new city of Jerusalem where our Lord Jesus will reign on earth as King and all faithful believers will be with Him; under His Kingship rule.

It has always been God's itention to have man on earth. Satan has been banished here for a time and once removed for a thousand years will  return the Bible indicates, but we know not the details.

However we can place all trust in God that His Plan and Law regarding satan and mankind, is Perfect and Lawful. When we align with The Father and place all trust in The Son giving all allegiance no matter what we may see or hear to The Godhead of Father, Son and Spirit, we will have nothing to fear.

Verse 34 Psalm 37  Wait on the Lord, and keep His way, and He shall exalt thee to inherit the land: when the wicked are cut off, thou shall see it.

Verse 14 Revelation 22  Blessed are they that do His Commandments, that they may have right to the Tree of Life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.  (the New Jerusalem)

Verse 15  For without (the New Jerusalem) are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. (the wicked.)

This must be before the Judgement of the wicked.

But, always, and in all ways, trust in Jesus, and all will be well with you.

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