
The Cross

11/20/2015 09:09

Friend, the Cross of Calvary is where God outsmarted, outwitted and outmanoeuvred the prince of this world who convinced the demons he had all the power to get rid of the new King.

Satan and his followers did all they could and were celebrating their victory while Christ hung on the Cross.

But, God had other plans. He allowed His Own Son to suffer the indignities, the hatred, the physical torment so that He could use the Cross as a conversion tool until the end of this earth for souls, such as us. And Jesus agreed to do this before He left Heaven to come to earth as a babe. His love for all of us combined with love for the Father Godhead and His love for all the Kingdom of God and for God's Law and Plan was to be proved as a sign for all in Heaven and on this earth, and He was up for the task.

What satan meant to do was just get rid of the King, even knowing God would send another in some form. But this Cross would have given satan a great satisfaction - thinking he had outsmarted God and therefore could outsmart Him again.

Do you see how God cannot be outsmarted? If you are on this path where you are in cahoots with satanic thinking, then forget it. God has your number. He knows what you are doing, saying, thinking about Him. You don't fool Him. He cannot be outsmarted in any way; He only allows you your successes against Him for His own Grand Design. You serve a Purpose both if you are for Him or against Him.


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The Great Teacher

11/19/2015 13:36

Friend, we all learn from others along the path of life.

There are many teachers but there is only One, Great Teacher. His Name is Jesus.

And He is God and will only teach you things of Godliness.

He will never steer you astray because of a hidden agenda.

Many teachers start out gentle and kind but as they grow in "power" over others, the evil one comes in with his demons and leads them astray. (an easy target, one person with a following)

So we must be careful. We should never follow the person, but know the teaching and follow that.

Also, we must be careful to be Godly and never teach that which is wrong or will only benefit ourselves - as in a monetary, egotistical, or overpowering ways.

The devil uses, cunning, manipulation, and deceit to lure us into his demonic clutches.

The devil is a LIAR. He will never tell the Truth to you. EVER.

He's sadistic, and a tormentor, and a user of people to gain himself something. Everyone is dispensible to him. There are billions of souls who if he can kill them off before they come to know Jesus, they will be his.

He has no interest in keeping you alive unless he can use you. He roams about like a roaring lion seeking to destroy all those who he sees are weak and whose mind is turned from God.

And, friend, those numbers grow everyday because he has an army of demons who are at work in all areas of our lives to keep us on their path of "the good life."

Friend, be careful!

The Great Teacher has left His Word the Holy Bible here for us to learn from. Read it with an open and sincere and seeking heart and you will come to know Truth. Start with the New Testament which tells of Jesus the Great Teacher and learn from Him and then later you can go to the Old Testament and learn about how powerful and majestic He is as our Creator God.

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Receive Showers Of Blessing

11/19/2015 07:42

Friend, a part of Christian living, is in the miracle of blessing.

Blessings from God are always pure and untainted. They always line up with what the Bible says.

Blessings as some people count them, of unholiness, are not of God but are a showing of the copycat satan who fools their wicked hearts.

Every day is a new opportunity for God to pour out His Bounteous Blessings on His people.

If your mind is closed to Him and His Ways, you will not be able to receive the full measure which is intended for you to pass on to others and they to others, and so on.

When He gives it is always full and overflowing meant to bless many.

An example of this is the Bible story where He fed the 4,000 - 5,000 with just a few (5) loaves of bread and (2)fish.  Everyone was fed and there was plenty left over.

The second story within that story is of the disciples who were the instruments of the original blessing and it was up to them to pass on the blessing to the multitudes.

They joyfully did, and were able to tell the story of the miracle as they went along. People believed because the disciples had first passed amongst them earlier, to ask of any stores of food they had, so they could collect and take them to Jesus for the blessing.

Everyone knew there was not enough to feed but ten to twelve people. The people talked among themselves the word spread of the enormity of the problem of feeding them.

But, they stayed, they wanted to hear Jesus speak and they wanted to receive healings and they did not care about the food so much.

In Mark, it says Jesus had compassion for their need for food.

Mark 8:1-2 I have compassion on the multitude, because they have now been with Me three days and have nothing to eat. And if I send them away fasting to their own houses, they will faint by the way: for diverse ones of them came from afar.

There was no anticipation for the food to be multiplied. Up to this point they only trusted for healings, which Jesus had become known for. They are touched in their heart and mind with the teachings and wisdom and Truth He spoke of and they gained from that knowledge, so they stayed with their children and old folks in tow, desirous of learning and receiving healings.

These were trusting people, not yet knowing Jesus was God, and they received the blessing of the blessed food.

Are you a disciple able to pass on the blessing or are you one in the multitude?

Either is good. Both are believers. But, God calls us to step out of the multitude and be a disciple.

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God Is Calling You

11/18/2015 21:40

Friend, have you realized that God is calling you?

Every day, in every way, He is calling you to Him.  He sees you and knows you and wants you to know Him intimately.

He desires to fellowship with your spirit.

He has sent the Holy Spirit to be the intermediary between Himself and you. Holy Spirit to your spirit to Jesus and the Father. It is the only connection to God Himself, that is the ultimate in Power and Love and Truth - and so much more.

Let your soul and spirit, be open and available to Him. Free your mind from all worldly angst, bother, trouble, and all the nit-picking ways of evil that seek to distract you constantly.

Take some time alone to unwind and relax and breathe slowly and rhythmically in tune with the universe. Be still and know that He is God Almighty, Creator of all things, and Ruler over all things and Judge of all things.

Just know that He is in control even though the world is in extreme trouble and conflict. He sees all and knows all about it and Has a way planned from milleniums ago as to how things will proceed. Every scenario is planned and accounted for. Billions of people can make individual choices and He has plan for everyone of us even when our choices change from moment to moment.

Nothing is too big or impossible for Him. He is that Almighty and Powerful.

He sees the beginning to the end of every life. He knows our every thought! And He sees our every deed.

Yet, still He is calling you all day, every day to turn your face towards Him and to see Him for the Lover of your soul that He is. He's like a Mother with her babies. The pain they cause never stops the love from being avaiable and growing.

Learn to believe. Take it upon yourself to believe. Say out loud to your inner self, "I am a believer. Do not stop me."

Tell yourself that this is what you want. " I want to have a relationship with this Jesus who loves me. I want to know all about Him. After all, He loves me no matter what. I understand that He died for my sins and I want to know about that. I hear His call and I'm responding in the affirmative."

You have just answered the call. God bless you as you walk on this new path of the journey of your soul on this earth filled with obstacles and unrighteousness. Just know that God loves you and will look out for you; and be a loving child to Him. Show your gratitude and faithfulness.

Your life will slowly change, you won't see many of the changes but there will be many in you and then your world will begin to look different. Bless you, my friend inJesus.

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11/17/2015 05:34

Friend, our King and Saviour asks us every day if we will acknowledge Him each morning and follow Him through our day.

Firstly He would like us to put aside the critic's voice in our head that makes up a big part of our ego. It tells us that others are not this or that according to our world vision.

Starting in the home let us not be critical of each other and then taking it into the workplace try to practise being uncritical of our workmates, customers, managers and the general public out in the rest of the world.

Friend, try to get through one day! It is not an easy task. Our ego wants to be the top dog! It can find fault wth anybody and anything!

That critical voice is a difficult one to stop, but it must be stopped because it is the voice of evil. It will take you into deeper territory and cause you all kinds of trouble.

We must not let go of reason that is touched with Godliness.  There is a fine line Jesus wants you to walk. Godly discernment without criticism is more like wisdom.

Today let this be your goal - to walk in wisdom.

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Speak His Name

11/15/2015 08:35

Friend, God sees us as His children, siblings to His Son Who loves us.

Therefore when we cry out in our afflictions, when all reasoning has left us, when others cannot help us, when we have lost confidence in everything, when our own flesh is not able to withstand, when we are threatened (our livelihood, our sanity,) cry out to the Lord and use His Name.  Jesus.

He will respond according to the fullness of your faith.

So have a Big faith, and a Big belief.

Leave nothing unexamined, be clean before the Lord.

Speak His Name in love and truth and evil will retreat. They will know that you have aligned with the Victor. You will have victory! Say His Name all through the day and before going to bed and when rising in the morning.

"Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Lord, Lord, Lord, King, King, King, bless me, oh my Lord Jesus!"

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Never Give Up Hope

11/14/2015 00:00

Friend, the world is in turmoil. Wars and strifes everywhere.

There is no country or people that is not affected.

It seems that God has abandoned us; but to the believer, we know that He is in control.

We know that He is in charge even though seemingly innocents, lose their lives.

There is a purpose for everything He allows.

He is not the perpetraator, but all things are governed by His Law.

We must have faith that He is Good and He does not approve of what evil does - but, evil cannot operate outside His Law - so for a time evil is not fully restrained to fulfill the purposes of God.

We are in this world for a reason - one we do not truly know, other than He has allowed it. And, in this life He has allowed; that we may find Him and connect with him through His Son; accept the sacrifice that Jesus made for us to be FORGIVEN - of the sin we are infected with from birth, into this world governed by evil.

Yes, we have an evil governor lets say = for want of a better way to express a Godly truth.

God gives hints for the scholarly and simple man to follow and see Who He is and how He governs His whole kingdom of ALL that exists.

Satan has been given a time to be the prince of the power of the air of this world. (Spiritual).

Many of his followers are at an all time high of power at the moment and they are perpetrating things in the name of God and this is blasphemy. They do not honor Him at all. They are deceived and are building empires on earth for evil, thinking they serve a Righteous God; but it is not He they really serve, it is satan who has fooled them.  Their passion is real to them but to God it is fake. He is not part of their schemes and does not welcome them.

They are allowed to have their day in the sun and some of us will truly be martyrs.

Not the kind of martyr many think of with the ability to "get" a certain number of virgns! No, a martyr for their faith in Christ the King. 

HAH! Holy God does not approve of their evil ways of becoming a "martyr".

Jesus showed many instances in the Bible where He honoured women and would never approve of the atrocities done to women in His name - proving that He does not supply virgins for evildoers - that is a promise straight from the pit of Hell that God has prepared for those who are full of evil and will not relent or repent of their evil thoughts and deeds. 

Fools believe this teaching of "virgins for martyrs."  They are just using up their allotted time here on earth to show their true colours so that when judgement comes, they will not escape the punishment they deserve.

Believers, be of good cheer knowing God is in control.

Pray for those who are lost and do not know God and pray for your family and friends to know the true Jesus, the Mighty and Powerful King of all Kings, The Lover of your soul and, The One who died so they might have a Way to live eternally in the Kingdom with a marvellous new life where all our tears will be wiped away, and our Lord will be our Light, and all our needs will be met.

Whenever we start to see that Jesus is the One who is the Saviour Redeemer, be it 9 or 90, we have the same Forgiveness and the same riches of God's Kingdom. No it does not include any sinful debauchery but is so spiritually elevated it is highly desired above any thing the devil can muster up to entice us with.

If every believer prayed diligently for each unbeliever they knew, satan's power would dimish as each new soul devoted themselves to Jesus.

Never give up hope, and pray for peace. 

God asks us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem as this is where all hatred of the devil is aimed.

Demonic forces are at work on this earth desiring to kill out any who do not follow them, so when you see the warring that is incomprehensible, (suicide bombers, attacks in public places on countries that live peaceable, bombs on public transport,) do not decry those brave enough to try to dampen and keep at bay the demonic forces.

Pray for those brave souls who believe in freedom for all people, even the ones they fight against who want to impose on their "enemies - (us)  laws that takes away our freedoms - education, speech, movement, even our life for the slightest infringement of their "law". 

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