
According To Your Faith

10/19/2015 12:51

The Book of Matthew the first Book of the New Testament...

Matthew 9:29     According to your faith, be it unto you.

Friend, do you have a big faith?  Is it a strong faith?

Will the next problem, dash it to pieces?

The devil hopes so. He is going to come against you until he sees that your faith in Jesus Chrst is so strong that you will never give it up.

According to your faith you can say to the problem, "God's Will be done!" and "satan, be gone from me, I am the Lord's child, you have no dominion over me!"

According to your faith what you ask for in prayer, it will be given to you.

Do you have a bold faith? Is it real and alive within you?

According to your faith you will receive.  The simple heart, full of faith is the one that receives.

Practice being full of faith. Deny the devil and his accomplices who plot revenge against you. God has you covered according to your faith.

Faith in Jesus is everything.  Belief in Him, and Love of Him and understanding of Who He is - that is everything to your faith.

Faith is from the heart which then teaches the mind to obey it.

It's all about Love. Jesus is Love that is why.

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Psalm 19:14

10/19/2015 07:32

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer.  Psalm 19:14

Friend, does the above verse from the Psalms apply to the way you conduct your life that is on display before all the inhabitants of Heaven, and all the evil world?

Do the words you speak honour the Lord, His Work and Word?

Or are they ugly and hurtful to yourself and others?

What about your thinking? Are you thinking of Godly things and searching in your thoughts for Truth and Godly Wisdom; or are your thoughts full of hatred and anger?

The Word of God is asking us in this scriptural verse to let all our words and thinking be acceptable for our Lord's ears and heart.

We must learn to judge our own words and works with the knowledge that Our Lord and Saviour is listening and is hurt by anything we do or say that is not of Truth and Peace.

Teach your heart and your mind to go a little more slowly; not be so quick to judge or hurt others in your words and actions. Pull back and begin to be kinder and gentler and allow the Holy Spirit to teach and guide you along the Righteous Path.

Today you can stop on the side road you have gone down and do an about turn and look at the Cross.

Jesus died on it so you could have this chance to be Forgiven of the past and begin a new life with Him as your God.

If you are willing, He will place you on the main road to Heaven so you can be victorious with His help.

Today you can repeat these words as you begin to walk the Godly Path and He will hear you and help you.

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Your Sight, O Lord, my  Strength and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14

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Difficulties Of Life

10/18/2015 10:10

Friend, despite the difficulties of life (poverty, illness, disability, abuse, war, hatred, racism, and lack of basic human needs) God will make a Way for you to be restored and to have a righteous balance in your mind, body and spirit if you acknowledge Him.

Many of us living in unbearable conditions cannot believe that a Good God exists so we turn to the one who will reward us openly if we embrace evil ways. 

Some cannot believe that Almighty God is interested in our problems so we just mull about without Him in our lives, hoping at the end He will allow us into heaven because we lived a "good" life and did not bother Him with our problems.

Others are just stubborn and deny Him because they see those who believe as weak and silly and cannot imagine themselves praying, going to church, believing in fairytale stuff.

It is a big leap of faith to believe when the schools have been teaching that God does not exist and "prove" to the students through science that man has the upper hand and is all knowing in these matters.

Religion is frowned upon by the majority it seems and so better to stay in the big pool and hope for the best!

But friend, when you come to know Jesus, you begin to realize that He is Almighty in every way. He has all the Power. He is Good and full of Truth and Wisdom, and He is able to heal and restore hearts, minds and bodies.

Decide to-day that you want that balance. Today you can begin to have it. He will make a Way for you to have what is in His Will for you. He designed you. He has a Plan for you. He has a Home for you in Heaven. It is His Will that matters.

Get in it!

This is such an important day for you if you are in lack in any way, of anything necessary for you to live.

Let Him be the One who chooses where to start with you. Let Him, who has watched and hoped for you to turn to Him and who has had his Holy angels and Holy Spirit bring you to this point, begin to restore you.

Just let Him know you believe in Him. Tell the Father that you agree that He sent His Son to die for your sins.

Let the years of neglect of His Presence fall from you like a watershed of grime and mud flowing away in the Holy Water of His Love and Light that cleanses and renews.

This requires humbleness and repentance from your old ways. High and mighty thinking that sets itself above God is to be left by the wayside like old clothes that are just too dirty to wear anymore.

Bask in the Light and Truth and Peace of His Unconditional Love. He has made it possible for you to be victorious over all your issues and problems, and if you sincerely repent of old ways and begin out on the new path of belief and faith in Him, and His Power to restore, you can be assured God will restore balance and harmony in your life according to His Knowledge of where and when your needs are met.

God bless you! 

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Be Comforted

10/15/2015 09:50

Friend, to turn to Jesus as your Saviour is to be comforted.

Stay in His Will for your life.

Cut the ties that are binding you to the demonic undertones of your human experience.

Everyday put on your Spiritual Armament. The Helmet of Salvation, the Breastplate of Righteousness, knowing the Gospel of Peace and Truth, holding your Shield of Faith in one hand and Sword of the Spirit in the other.

In this way you will be well armed to pray and do all the Lord sets before you to learn and acomplish.

Everyday on your life's journey there are circumstances to overcome, new ways to be learned, the side roads to be blocked off so that your feet stay on the Path of Life Eternal.

In Ephesians 6:16 it says...Above all, taking the Shield of Faith, wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

Faith is everything. Belief in God the Father, and the work of Jesus on the Cross for your sins and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in you, to teach and Guide and Comfort you, is highly valued by God and He says this is what He wants for all of us, His Created souls - that he gave a part of Himself, His Spirit.

Friend, don't deny your spirit, the Holy Spirit who is offered to you when you acknowledge that God sent His Son to die for you to have a home with Him in Heaven for eternity.

The Holy Spirit is the third member of the Godhead. Father, Son and Spirit are all one, so God offers Himself in three ways to us.  It is a powerful thing to know and have in your life!

Don't delay in accepting this reality. Make it a priority to know more about the Triune God.

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Luke 16:19-31

10/14/2015 09:49

The Book of Luke - the physician, (who travelled with the disciples and Jesus) has recorded the words of Jesus as he witnessed this story being told to the disciples, by Jesus.

Luke Chapter 16 : 19-31

There was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and lived lavishly everyday.

And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus who laid by the gate of the city, begging and full of sores, desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table; moreover the dogs came and licked his sores.

And it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died and was buried;

And in hell he lifted up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his care.

And he cried and said, "Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am suffering in this flame."

But Abraham said, "Son, remember that thou, in thy lifetime received thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed; so that they who would pass from here to you, cannot. Neither can they pass to us here, who would come from there."

Then the rich man said, "I pray thee therefore, father Abraham, that thou would send him to my father's house; for I have five brothers - that he may testify unto them lest they also come into this place of torment."

Abraham saith unto him, " They have the Holy Scriptures of Moses and the prophets - let them hear them."

And the rich man said, "Nay, father Abraham. But if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent."

And Abraham said unto the rich man in hell, "If they pay not attention to the Word of God; Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead!"

Friend, God's Word says there is a hell and He justly sends those who refuse Him while alive, to it when they die.

The rich man was a Jewish man who knew the Scriptures but paid no heed, trusting in his riches  and not giving thanks. The undertone of the story is that all who lived in this town or village, were aware of Lazarus and his needs, but many did not help him.

For Lazarus to be with Abraham, he would have believed in God's Word even though he was not rewarded on earth, his reward was in Heaven because he never lost faith in God.

Friend, the time we have on earth is but 80 - 100 years and the time after that is called eternity. This life is but a blimp in the whole life of our soul.

Choose wisely. Do not let riches and the "norms of the day" be your influence.

Trust God, believe and follow His lead and have life everlasting with Him who is Perfect Love, in the now and hereafter.

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Your Will, Not Mine

10/13/2015 19:28

Friend, today, be brave and say to the Lord, "Your Will, not mine in all things, Lord Jesus!"

Life is hard and the devil and his demons will come against you so take it minute by minute, "Your Will, not mine, Lord."

Don't worry about the small failures, just keep going and commit to the next minute to be in His Will not your own.

Don't wallow in the sorrow of a failure. The devil is in that.

"Forgive me Lord, I am weak, but Your Will, not mine, Lord."

"Teach me, Lord."

"Show me, Lord."

"Thank you, Lord."

Just speak to Him all through the day.

When something goes well, "Praise You, Lord and thank You, Jesus."

Before you go to sleep each night, "I bless the name of Jesus!"

His Will for our lives, not ours. Agreed?

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The Joy Of The Lord

10/13/2015 09:25

Friend, I hope you have found the Joy of the Lord!

It is not of this world.

It is not in any way generated by this world.

The Joy of the Lord is very hard to explain; but it comes directly from Lord Jesus, who brings all things in your life together, for His Good Will.

We get moments, flashes, revelations both short and long of something He has done for us and our soul is flooded with Joy, Hope, Truth, Wisdom and so much more.

Just knowing that He is the Orchestra Leader and He is making beautiful music to ebb and flow around you is enough for you to know to relax the reins, and let them fall to the ground - on all the issues in your life. 

If He can bring a small thing into perfect harmony; He can also bring the big things into that same harmony that releases inner Joy into your soul and spirit.

This is His Way of teaching, guiding and growing you into the Godly soul He created you to be. 

Our soul and spirit crave this Joy, yet before we know Jesus as our Saviour, we can't find the key to unlocking this Joy. We instinctively know it exists, and we want to have it.

We search for it in all the lusts of life when it it freely given by our Lord - when we acknowledge Him as King Jesus, the One who left all the riches of Heaven to come into a sin filled world to carry out the Plan of the Father (to redeem us from eternal separation from Almighty God, from Pure Love, from Holy Truth). 

He successfully fulfilled God's Plan and all the sinners of earth now have a Perfect Way in the New Law, to break free from the chains of death and destruction of our soul to a new and eternal life with our Lord, pain free, no sorrow, no remembrance of the sins of the flesh.

We just have to confess our sin to Jesus and repent from our sinful ways, accept His Sacrifice and Free Gift of Salvation.

He will be your Confidant and Teacher. In Him you can place all your hope and receive a renewed heart and mind.

This is the beginning of great spiritual Joy.

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