All One In The Faith

03/26/2023 09:48

Friend, God's Word is our Ultimate Guide. When He speaks we can be assured that those Words are full of Truth and Perfect in every way. Knowing all things and everything existing from Him, He is The Ultimate Authority of all that is.

He knows every atom of every microscopic particle of all that exists because every atom is made from Himself.

He could recall every atom everywhere and it would return to Him in Perfect Order. He could move on and do as He pleases once again. We and all we see would no longer exist if He didn't want us to.

We are not our own.

Our lives are His Story that He has given to us. The soul He has given to that flesh has a Gift of Free Will, to use wisely as His child, His creation.

Do not think of Him as something small or insignificant. The world is always trying to outsmart Him but that will never fully happen. He reserves the Right to His Intellectual Property - mankind, the earth and all that keeps it sustained.

His aim is to have a people who He can interact with in a Holy Way that He has given to no other creature He has created. 

He is aware of evil and it's leader. He knows the limitations He has placed on evil. He uses evil intentions to expose our hearts and minds to us.

When we become entangled with evil, we follow it like little puppy dogs eager for more of the lusts of life. 

Nothing surprises Him. But much hurts Him.

At a point in time He decided to make a Way of reconciliation for man; because there was a remnant of souls who believed in His Goodness; and yearned for His Appearance.

He accomplished this by coming to earth Himself as His Own Son; God in the flesh.

Those who believe in Him as The Son are called Christians and He paid a Great Price for them to be free from the evil that has infected their being.

The Bible says the following...

"That whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have Eternal Life." John 3:15 KJV

"Even so it is not the Will of your Father which is in Heaven, that one of these little ones should perish." Matthew 18:14 KJV

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him ( The Son) should not perish, but have Everlasting Life." John 3:16 KJV

"There is none Holy as the LORD: for there is none beside Thee: neither is there any Rock like our God." 1 Samuel 2:2 KJV

If people would read His Word there would be no need for people like me to write one word.

He has said everything to us through His Holy Spirit Who worked in the hearts and minds of men who loved God for Himself; who understood God - how Perfect He Is in every way; how Beautiful and Pure is His Will and Law governing all things.

Those men of old times were used as prophets by God to speak for Him. Others like King David, He used to further His Will in the overtaking of evil and making a better place for His people.

When we read His Word with an open heart to know Him; He reveals His truth to that one.

It is a beautiful thing to behold His Glory in the inner mind, yet not see Him with our eyes.

He calls each one of us every day no matter how far we have strayed from Him.

This means, today, He is loving on you!