Depression - Confront It

02/29/2016 17:41

Friend, if you feel depressed please know that Holy God loves you!

We all desire that others love us and find us worthy to be loved, but God's Word tells us that we are all infected with evil and this being Truth, we must understand that no other human can love us in the way our soul cries out for.

Some of us find true love and enjoy it's rewards but even if we asked those people if they felt loved 100 per cent of the time we would find that they all would say, "No. But it is enough that I feel truly loved."

The Truth is that we are incapable of loving another in the way their soul longs for. This is because God has created us so that only He can fulfill us 100 per cent.

Ah hah! He made us this way! So confront the depressed feeling that tells you "You are not loved, not lovable, not worthy."

Speak to the accusation in this way, "God loves me! The Most Perfect and Holy God of All Things, loves me! He says I am worthy to be loved! He died for me on the Cross to fulfill the Father's Plan for my Redemption. Praise God, Hallelujah! I believe!"

In His eyes you are not unworthy. Perhaps you are a sinner, but He died so those sins could be forgiven. You just have to accept that what He did is sufficient for the Father's Love for you to be Pure.

Other people's judgements of you are not at all interesting to God. He sees you in a different Light. He knows that when you turn to Him and reciprocate that love, you will listen to Him and be able to discern how to turn your life around so that you will heal and be filled with His Spirit where depression cannot live.

It may be a short journey for you to finally feel whole, but that is the direction God will take you in when you place all your trust and love in Him.