He Is The Lord, None Can Stay His Hand

09/28/2014 09:54

The Lord He is God and His Will - will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

It cannot be anything less, because He is God. Evil will not prevail against Him. He allows evil to have it's time according to his Perfect Will and The Law.

Nothing and no-one can defeat His Plan or stay His hand to do as He has forethought as Law.

Evil rattles around in it's rebellion and is stayed by the constraints of the Law as all heaven and earth watch. At the Judgement much will be revealed. Now, here on earth, it is by faith that we believe  but we will be rewarded in Heaven for our faithfulness.  Soon we will see our faithfulness was correct and all unbelievers will see they were incorrect. 

We the believers have great power through Christ our Saviour to resist evil.  We can through His Word, live amongst evil and even though tempted, we can ask for strength to resist, and safety from evil, and receive it from Jesus.

To do this we must be born of the Spirit of God.  Our belief must be so solid that our faith in him as our Lord and Saviour cannot be broken.  We must be willing to be taught by the Spirit.  When we acknowledge our own  shortcomings and allow the Spirit to bind up our broken heart and tend our wounds, we begin to grow spiritually.

Listening to the Spirit, whom Jesus sent to us when He returned to His Throne, and acknowledging we are on a new Path will place us in the constant care of our Saviour Lord.  We will have begun a new journey and be called faithful. 

Knowing that He is God and none can defeat Him or His Plan is a beautiful thing to hold in your heart  and mind.