His Grace His Power

05/30/2023 11:37

Friend, how wonderful in all His Ways, is our God!

There is no evil in Him. No darkness; for He Is Light.

Think brilliant all consuming Holy (Pure and Perfect) Light that emanates Pure Love and Truth.

When we see Him after this life on earth we will know without doubt that He holds all things together in Perfect Law.

Every scientist will be in awe of the amazing Laws they have never seen before; because they are invisible to the human eye. All the things they strove to understand and discover; they will understand that He is The Originator of all things; that He designed all things very intricately with His Holy Perfection.

Every artist will be blown away by the colours they see in Him Who Is Light.

None will be able to stand in His Presence. His Power, Grace, Love, Truth and Law will cause them to bow to His Majesty.

They will see that He sent Mercy to the earth in the form of His Son, for mankind to have a Way to be with Him; to rejoin to their Creator Father in Love and Purity even though they were sinful.

We will understand everything He was doing for us while we were in the flesh. We will know He offered His Mercy and Grace to us in bucketloads.

There will be two types of souls in Heaven on that Day. 

By then all the dead will be resurrected to stand before Him.

Jesus has the Keys to Hell and Hades; and they too will be there to witness all.

Some will be rejoicing, thanking and praising Him.

Others will be crying and moaning for themselves, begging, blaming others, but they will know it is to no avail for His Law stands as a Great Lamppost within Himself, that will not be moved.

At that time only Truth will prevail. No lie, no deceit, no delusion of reasoning, will be uttered before His Presence.

When His Judgment is passed we all, will know, that it is Just.