In Him - We Receive Help

04/19/2023 10:13

Friend, The Son of God is all things to the one who believes in Him.

Those who believe in Him, have been drawn to Him by His Holy Spirit.

They were lost; existing away from Him; living their lives sometimes with everything going great and sometimes with everything sliding away from them; leaving them hopeless.

This is how God sees His creation of mankind. 

We are lost! We are not acknowledging Him. We do not realise that we are lost; and we will not listen when someone who has been found, wants to tell us their experience; that of once being hopeless, and now, the Joy of being found.

That's because we have many evil spirits around us that we have given free reign to come and go in our soul, our heart and mind. Those evil spirit's one command from satan himself, is to keep us deceived and unable to know Jesus.

If they can keep us in that state until we die; then they have won our soul. 

It is up to us to listen to what The Holy Spirit has to tell us through God's Son's Holy Death and Resurrection.

Everyone gets a chance to hear about Jesus and wonder.

If we reject Him, satan has won our soul. God will allow satan to have it; having done everything by His Spirit to draw us close to Him for Forgiveness and Redemption.

Our Free Will is ours to either choose Holy God or satan.

With God, all things are made new. Forgiveness is ours because we have made the choice to repent of our sinfulness, and ask God to help us overcome the habitual sin we have become accustomed to depend on for self.

God will make a Way where there seems to be no way out of the miry muck we are enveloped in; stuck and held down by satan's demons!

In an instant we can be clean before God.

In His Word He tells us that He will receive our soul back to Himself through the finished work of His Law, that Jesus carried out for every soul who will come; on the Cross. 

Jesus came as a little Holy Lamb in the flesh like mankind. And He died as The Lamb of God on the Cross. 

A Sacrifice for all the souls of men and women (and children) to give us a New Covenant, a New Promise that through belief in Him, and what He accomplished at The Cross; which takes a heart that says, "Yes, I am a sinner in need of cleansing," we could have The Holy Gift of God; Everlasting Life with Him.

In the core of our soul, there is a tiny "compartment" where Jesus has made a place for Himself when we choose Him; that we have neglected. Jesus is not welcome there.

Until He resides there, we live in darkness, subject to the whims of satan who uses us to entertain himself and his demons, with our cries and unhappiness. Our sorrow, suffering and pain, that they cause, and bring upon us, are their enetrtainment.

Satan's whole purpose on earth is to deceive the souls of mankind, to steal, kill, and destroy every human he can.

In John 10:10 Jesus says to us that the thief/our enemy only comes near us to steal our soul, and everything we have in life; which will destroy those who do not know Jesus; then he and his demonic army swoop in to kill us by suicide, by illness, by insanity and every other evil way they can dream up.

But believing in what Jesus did for us at The Cross and understanding that He finished the Work that had to be done to free mankind from the evil clutches of satan; we can break off those chains of bondage to satan. 

We can be the vilest person, but when we come to understanding who Jesus is, and receiving inspiration from The Holy Spirit, desiring to be set free from the wages of death for our sins, repenting of that sin; we will be cleansed and set apart in this world for Jesus.

By His Spirit, we will learn of The Kingdom; we will come into agreement with Who Jesus Is, The Great I Am; The Mighty Warrior for our souls; The Redeemer kinsman. 

He becomes our All in All; Above All, King of all kings. Lord of Lords. Redeeming Saviour.

He is our Helper, Teacher, Guidance Counsellor, Healer, Restorer. 

And we are heirs of Salvation, grafted into the Royal Line with Jesus, The Son of God.

Don't you want that?