It's About Hope

05/02/2023 16:18

Christians have a Hope for Eternal Life with our Good Lord, Jesus.

Many of us call Him; our Hope.

We trust Him explicitly. We know that He is called Trustworthy as well.

His Word is Trustworthy for it comes from Him. 

He is Trustworthy when we come to Him in confidence.

Believers place a lot of confidence in His Abilities; in His Power over all things; and His Law which is Perfect in every way.

We feel confident that with Him our soul will have life eternally, and we believe that we will not face the Judgment for sinners; even though in this flesh life we are sinful; because this is a God Promise mentioned in the Bible.

The Prophet Jeremiah gives us wisdom and advice in his writings because he lived in the 6th century BC - before Christ was born; and he was spoken to by God; which he faithfully recorded. 

He lived during a time when the tribes of Israel were being invaded and slaughtered. He saw the people's disregard for God's Law, and he saw what God would do to them during his lifetime.

He lived it.

God didn't abandon them completely; but many were chastised, and the unredeemable were torn down and destroyed. We find this in many instances in history of the world. God cleansing when whole societies have made a choice against Him. They have proved in their hearts they do not want to follow Him; be a child of His, nor do they want eternal life with Him. 

They prefer the darkside; and He abandons them to their choice. Satan claims them.

Jeremiah was a faithful servant to God and he was aware; from his reading of the Holy Scriptures; that Immanuel was to come. God was making a Way for Jesus to be born, and to set up a New Covenant, and Jeremiah was one of the Prophets God used to get His Message across to His chosen people, the Jews.

Jeremiah was burdened in his heart with love for God and His people; and tried to get the Jews to repent and turn to God - for many were not faithful and were living just like we are today; not even respectful of God's Existence; not thankful of what He was able to do in their midst in spite of their disbelief, and outright animosity towards Him.

They had grown cold. They knew God was their God; and had set them apart from other peoples, yet they still were living with their backs to Him, since the times of their forefathers even; so many generations of turning away from God.

Jeremiah was a priest in the land of Benjamin.

He received messages from the Lord and temple scribes wrote his utterances for him.

As a youth, God spoke to Jeremiah about warning the nations of Israel and the kingdoms of the world to repent of their unbelief in Him; and Jeremiah said that he told God, he was too young, and couldn't do the things that God had planned for him.

But God said to him as a loving Father, "Jeremiah, you will go wherever I send you, and speak whatever I tell you. Don't be afraid for I Am with you."

It was a difficult task; for Jeremiah was just human and very inexperienced in the ways of the world; for to speak for God, meant he was going to be met with derisive comments and even violence and anger.

Jeremiah went into the streets of Jerusalem and shouted God's Words to the people as God instructed him. There are many Scripture Verses that provide the descriptions of what God was seeing in His chosen people; and how He was warning them to turn from these wicked ways.

God called them out on all their sinful ways. He gave them a "good talking to" through His Prophet, Jeremiah. 

God said for Jeremiah to remind the people; in Jeremiah 11; that He made a Contract with the fathers of all the people of old, and that all those who do not heed it, will be cursed.

In this way, God makes a point of making a point in time; when He warns His people.

Jesus's birth, life, death, and resurrection and The Cross is our last reminder for all time; of what God has done for us, as far as Forgiveness of sins, of unbelief and of making a Way for us to be His children, heirs with His Son and Life Everlasting with Him. 

The New Covenant brought into being by Jesus is  a New Way for  all people to be reunited with Him. 

A genuine belief in His Son and saying faithful to that new belief, will gain anyone the Gift of Life with God; for eternity.

So in that last act of God for mankind's souls, we find Jesus is our Hope.