Jesus's Message

06/04/2023 12:52

Friend, Jesus is calling all men (includes women; all humankind,) to Himself!

It is a continual call since The Cross at Calvary's Hill in Jerusalem.

He came for such a time as then and now.

All men (humans) need a Saviour. 

God says before we are saved that we have inherited a sin nature from our parents, going right back to our first human relative, Adam.

He sees the whole picture of all our ancestors lives; how they did or did not love Him, right up to now. Every Good and Righteous thing and every sin filled thought or action.

In His Perfect Holy, Lawful, Wisdom and Timing, He sent His Son to die on the Cross as a Sacrifice to fulfil His Law; that said for us to sin was death, for only Purity; as that of His First man was created; Adam. 

Adam was created simpatico with Himself before Adam sinned against God's Command to refrain from eating of The Tree in the midst of The Garden..

When Adam sinned; it was so grevious to God, that it caused a break in relationship between Adam and God. Adam was now impure and God was still Holy Pure.

And so all since Adam have sinned against God because the sin nature entered Adam, and Eve, and all who would be born thereafter were born with a sin nature.

That's us.

The sin nature rules in the unsaved life.

When we come to Jesus; God recognises The Blood of His Son on us, that saves all who will come to The Son.

God no longer remembers those sins that were repented of and it is imputed to us; Righteousness through Jesus on The Cross.

That is The Message of The Cross; that Jesus died for us while we are sinners. 

Our sin nature has been given a Way to regain intimacy and personal relationship with God Himself through Jesus.

We cannot cleanse ourselves enough in order to please Him. After we accept by faith that He has cleansed us from unrighteousness by Jesus's  Death on the Cross, we must continue to repent of new sins, and by His Strength and Holy Spirit, overcome all habititual sins that we engage in.

Simply put; immediately we recognise we have sinned after receiving Forgiveness, we know sin is against Him, and we must repent of it, and ask for His help to overcome.

This is The Path of keeping Righteous before God; some call it progressive sanctification occuring throughout our life for we are sinfully inclined; needing Him daily to guide and help us stay on The Righteous Path of Salvation for our soul. 

He is faithful to do this for us, and we find after a time that by His Strength, we have totally overcome those sins.

We must trust in what Jesus accomplished for The Law, His Father, when He went to the Cross as a Sacrifice to please The Father, and The Law.

That is our Greatest Gift; that He died for us to be reunited with The Father and be heirs of Salvation, with Him in The Kingdom.

The only requirement is to repent. To be sick of our sinful lifestyle. To want and need to be Forgiven. To recognise we are a sinner through and through in need of a Saviour.

After this Holy Forgiveness we will have a desire to know Him more and more. A whole new world of discovery is there for us. Each journey is  unique but similar in that Jesus by His Spirit teaches, guides, directs, advises, helps, provides, cares and loves us unconditionlly because we have found we love Him.

And He responds to that. It's what He wants; you to recognise Him, that He holds all the Keys for you to have a spiritually fulfilling life with Him; trusting that He will do all things for you that is necessary for your physical journey through this world of time.