Known And Loved

03/13/2016 11:45

Friend, you are known and loved by Almighty God!

Take a moment to look back at your life. Do you not see where God has shown His Love towards you?

Perhaps you flicked it off your "self", not appreciating it and chose a different path hoping for a "better" destination, but, His Love is shown to you all through your life.

That is a fact that will be proven to you at the Judgement.

Many there are of us who take the Blessings of God and then go on our way doing whatever we please, not wanting to recognize, thank or fulfill His Will concerning the Blessing.

But as a believer, our soul and spirit becomes attuned to the Grace and Mercy of God and we do recognize the Blessings that are bestowed on our underserving selves.

We hear His Voice when He calls us from the fires that lead us to destruction. And we don't turn away.

We choose to find out about His Will for us, and we do our best to obey knowing He will do everything for us that is necessary to have a happy and fulfilled life even while evil buffets us on every side. 

And we thank Him.

Woe to the evil ones who continually put pressure on us to sin, though.

We are instructed to pray for them to know Jesus and to receive Salvation.

We must do this for our enemies, our captors, those who come against God's Will for us; who make ways for us to sin.

Instruction for ourselves is to gird ourselves from evil by choosing to know God at deeper and deeper levels, putting our trust in Him, not man, making Jesus the Cornerstone and the Foundation of our faith and walking and listening to the Holy Spirit, as little sheep in the Great Shepherd's care.

Remember friends, that you are known and loved by Jesus and let your heart respond to Him.

He says His sheep know His Voice.

Always be listening and attuned to Father, Son and Holy Spirit throughout the day.

Soon your life will begin to change according to God's Will as your heart and mind respond to Jesus. That's Jesus resituating your soul on the Path of Life Everlasting. You will feel strangely at peace with the new Path.