Leap Of Faith

01/23/2024 11:11

Friend, God's Word likens humans to captives which are in need of being set free.

If God by His Holy Spirit is telling us this; then we must realise that we are not His captives.

By His Perfect Knowledge of all things He says we are captives.

In His Word He says that we are captives of evil; which is owned by satan.

Some of us are willing participators in evil works with satan, so do not see ourselves as captive; but captive we are, for our soul's ultimate Owner is the Creator of it, Almighty God and He is telling us we are held captive by something other than Himself.

However at any time whilst we are still alive in the flesh, we have the Holy Right; because of Jesus's Death and Resurrection, to make a leap of faith, and choose to follow Him when we come to realise The Holy Truth.

This one choice, will free us from the chains that hold us captive.

That choice for Jesus is life changing when it is a heart decision.

Perhaps you've been dabbling in the evil ways; perhaps you have a certain power over others because of your evil ways, perhaps you have found camraderie with other like minded searching souls.

Perhaps you have an itch in your heart that you actively cover with the lusts of the evil realm to soothe yourself; but you know deep in your heart that you're on a slippery slope, and it seems unlikely you will be able to get off, and so, you go whole hog at the evil delights.

Some indulge so much that they use others terribly; secretly abusing them in every way yet living "normally" to the outside world; hiding in plain sight!

Well, God knows it all.

It's on your account.

Nothing is hid.

Yet He places some blame on satan and his dominion; the fallen angels, and has made a Holy Lawful Way for you to extricate yourself from satan.

At any moment, you can say, I've had enough. 

Jump ship so to speak.

From The Cross at Calvary, Jesus has His hand out to you. 

He's saying, "I Am willingly paying the Price required by The Holy Law of My Father, for you to be Redeemed.

You can be with Me in Paradise after this life.

I Am The Word Who created you, gave you life. I love what I have created.

All your sins are being nailed to the Cross and I am paying for them by your own hand that helped weild the hammer.

Through God's Grace and Mercy My Blood will cleanse you from your sins, and they will be remembered no more, if you by your free will choose Me. 

You are on the other side of a Great Chasm that separates Good from evil. I have laid my body down, paid The Price, for you to walk over from the evil side, to God's Glorious Kingdom.


I have completed the Divine Purpose, and The Law has been satisfied, and you have a choice."