Listen and Hear

08/08/2023 10:33

Friend, are you open to hearing what God has to say to you?

He speaks to the soul.

His Words can be heard in the "heart" of mankind.

Only when the other voices are quiet will we hear Him.

Distracting thoughts cause our inner hearing to be drowned in the noises of the world, our personal and individual flesh world.

He speaks to us through His Word when we can't silence the world around us.

He just asks us to listen; to put away all the distractions of life.

We willingly do it for Buddah, and willingly read Confucious. We'll contort our body in hopes of connecting with Kundalini the serpent we're told resides at the base of the spine.

And of course we'll go to war against our neighbour in righteous anger at the drop of a hat.

But something keeps us from connecting with the Creator of all things, who plainly owns everything He creates; and has the Right and ability to do as He Wills, by His Law and Power; to punish or destroy things that have stepped away from His Plan; into enemy territory to come against Him. 

(How foolish is that; to step out from under His Protection; join up with absolute evil, knowing only He has all Power and Authority; is a Righteous Being who cannot do wrong?)

That something, that will not allow our mind to contemplate the full picture of everything that is; but keeps our mind focused on mysterious details we will mostly never understand, focused on what we perceive as faults of this Great Being; is the satanic realm of the prince of the power of the air over earth. 

Satan is the leader of a great army that is known to Almighty God. All have been judged and partial sentencing punishments have been metered out. Earth is the holding planet for a time, of banished from Heaven, angelic beings which have followed satan's lies, desiring to be like God, bent on overthrowing Him for the Power and usurping of all He has created.

Once, in The Garden especially made for us with loving thoughts, we were totally safe from evil, but our ancestors had fellowship with evil and were lured into it's snares, by their own free will and newly discovered by satanic influence, self righteousness.

They, knowing that God is Righteous for they hid from Him (He knew where they were,) chose to ignore God's warning, their Father's Advice and Command for it held consequences.

When they did this, they sealed our fate too, as well as their own. Sin entered the earth, the ground and all it's inhabitants, through this one act.

They could no longer live in The Garden of Eden where everything was pure.

Adam and Eve changed the course of mankind's fate.

But God has used the new course set by Adam and Eve to cleanse us; by coming Himself as Jesus, Immanuel (God with us,) to pay the price for our sins, not satan's or his army of fallen angels, but for mankind's souls, for we were not designed for evil, but for Him to have companionship with, because He loves the souls in us, and desires none of us should perish with satan. 

Unless by our own free will choice, we vehemently oppose Him and choose the lies and deceit of satan; then we accept to share in the fate of all those who vehemently oppose God.

God desires Holy Pure Peace, and Love, and His Plan is to rid Himself of the evil in His Existence by His Law and Order.

In His Time, evil will be no more and all souls will be free from it's sting; for they will have seen exactly what happens to those who turn away from God's Goodness.

All will attend the Judgement and all will hear the sentencing and all will see the Punishments meted out.   

However, your state before God at that Holy Time Juncture, will have been settled. You will either be one being sentenced or one standing with God.

Now, this life before you die, is the time to decide; to choose whom your soul is going to be attached to for the rest of Eternal Existence. 

Friend, if you are sitting on the fence. How long?

If you are denying; how long?

If you are willing to be open to a Good God of Peace and Love; listen.

Just listen. 

Slow down in your life. Why so busy?

God is continually sending all of Himself to each of us. Word, advice, healing, provision, blessings, benefits, every Holy Legal thing is not withheld from us who believe.

He is holding up our universe, our earth by His Will, Power, and by all the Laws He has created. The Invisible Laws of how the planets are held in space, how the sun of our world is regulated to not burn the earth to a crisp, the ones which are input into nature on earth for colour to appear the way it does to our eyes and on and on.

Turn and face Him. Just look forward and up.

See the Cross. It's empty. The tomb is empty. 

He is in Heaven, sitting at the Right Hand of The Holy Divine Father of all matter, all spheres, all realms, all things.

He rose to Heaven with human witnesses visually observing His Ascension.

That body is the same type of body we will have in Heaven.

Are you hearing?

The flesh dies, but the soul and spirit lives on, to stand in the Presence of Almighty God Ruler of all things.

We are in His Story. We are His subjects. 

He is a Good Ruler. He is Trustworthy.

Don't you want to know this One?

Satan is not trustworthy in any way. Satan actually hates us because he knows how much God loves us. Satan understands Who Jesus Is and satan hates Jesus.

Satan is checkmated. He's backed into a corner of his own making, and is just using up his allotted time here on earth to hurt God. 

To Satan, we're souls to be gathered and destroyed. Nothing more. Because he hates God, especially Jesus of whom he is envious. He makes promises to mankind, and gives many things on earth, all designed to destroy our flesh and to keep us from knowing God, but his power is limited to earth and this life we have. 

In our afterlife, he can do nothing for us. All the riches and fame you got from satan while here on earth, is not recognised in Heaven. You're on your own there.

God is saying to you today that He sent His Beloved Son to die for your unbelief. To rescue your soul from the clutches of Satan.

Jesus came to make a New Covenant with mankind. All who will believe that He paid the whole price for our sins, may come to His banqueting table in Heaven to join Him wherever He is.

He's saying He knows you have been coerced; you were weak and here's your one chance that cost Him so much. 

There is no other offer on the table of Goodness and Mercy.

This is how it had to be, to be Perfectly Holy Law Legal; for all the inhabitants of God's Existence, to see and know it is Pure Justice with no fault, when they observe the Totality of the Judgement, in God's Court of Law, where He will sit, as Judge in Truth and Justice.

His Will; will be done and we will all say "It is Good." Even the guilty will agree with Him and their fate.

It is not hidden from us. We willingly ignore anything to do with God to our own detriment. All our protestations will be unheard when shouted to LAW.