Man's Stumbling Blocks

03/30/2023 12:59

Friend, are you a person who has stacked many blocks around your soul to protect it from being beholden to someone or something; to keep the Goliaths at bay?

You just want to be a free soul, going here and there at will, no cares or worries, allowing nothing to deter you from your happiness; even at the expense of someone else not having their happiness because of your desires?

How is that going?

Is it working?

Are you fully satisfied in every way with the life you have?

Have you gained the riches you desire?

What about the solitude, peace and "nothingness" of your life; is that sufficient for you?

Maybe you have gained superiority in your own mind over others and that is what you have been searching for? The strong man or woman has risen to the top and controls all your choices?

Do you think you've got all the questions about life sorted out in your mind? Every one?

Many of us fall into these categories.

Until something that is entirely out of our control happens that throws off all our preconceived ideas.

Maybe someone you love dearly is suddenly taken from your life and you find no good reason for that happening.

Maybe sudden financial ruin comes to your doorstep.

Maybe a natural earth occurrence wipes out everything your life is all about.

Maybe the gods you believed in are proven to be nothing but paper gods; listless weak and not trustworthy.

But still, you know within your soul that there is something you haven't experienced.

Friend, God pursues us by The Law He has put in place in our realm of living.

There is choice and consequence built into the Free Will that we have.

He wants to guide us to The Path of Righteousness and Freedom in Himself.

If we do not want to go on that Path of Light and Truth, we are Free to choose to not go but in His Holiness, He must do everything He can to reveal Who He Is to us.

Down through the ages He has done this in many ways.

His biggest, boldest move for us was to send His Own Son to be a Sacrificial Spotless/Pure Lamb to The Holy Cross to pay for all the sins of all mankind, past, present and future.

He did this as a One Time Lawful Act. He left a Sign for all time that all would see. It is a Stumbling Block for many. It is a Holy Signpost of God's Love to others.

Which will it be for you?

Easter will be upon us soon. It is a time for remembering what our God has done for us. 

His Son is alive and sits at the Right Hand of The Father, ruling with Him within The Trinity; with The Holy Spirit.

Jesus took on flesh for 33 years. He came to show Godly Love for us; His created beings; His world.

He died for you and me to have a Way to reconciliation with The Father.

Will you walk with Him, surrounded by His Holy angels and Holy Spirit on The Path of Righteousness until the end of your days here on earth?