Measuring Self By Self

05/31/2023 13:35

Paul an Apostle of God, wrote by The Holy Spirit in 2 Corinthians 10:12 

We dare not make ourselves or compare ourselves with some that; commend themselves, but definetly they are measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are definetly not Understanding. TPW (The Pure Word Translation of Original Holy Scriptures.)

Paul is saying to the church at Corinth that the believers should not compare what they know to be Truth with those who are not believers in Christ Jesus. 

Paul says those unbelievers in Jesus are not in possession of Holy Understanding of The Scriptures; and of Who Jesus was, and what He did on The Cross.

This Word of Scripture is true today of all unbelievers.

They have great faith in what they have learned in the world about whatever has tickled their ears.

For many it is evolution that denies God and therefore our Lord and Saviour. Followers of evolution get lost for a lifetime in their pursuits to prove it. Satan leads them on a multitude of paths and alleyways that form great labyrinths to explore for each thought inserted by demonic forces. It all is a counterfeit of what God has done. They find things but put a different meaning to the why.

For others they prefer more benign gods that they can idolise and please by their own self might.

Still others deny any idol or Almighty God, believing they arrive here and die and that is it; so they believe they will enjoy and do their own thing to please the flesh, even if it hurts another.

Paul explains that we walk in the flesh but we should not live by the flesh because satan the rebellious ruler of this world will trap us to condemnation which leads to eternal conscious death of our soul. (The flesh dies and is no more but the soul lives on to experience separation from God (death of the soul) for eternity.)

We as believers must measure our self by the Perfection of Jesus our Saviour.

This leaves no space for ego or self will.

We must put them aside and let Him lead for He knows all things.

We cannot fully know the heart of another. The mind might be displayed to us by another's words and actions, but we cannot fully know the heart.

We may see hardness of heart because they have exhibited harsh words of anger; or they have been violent for the slightest hit to their ego; but that heart still has an empty space where Christ Jesus could reside, if He was invited in.

Never write anyone off. This doesn't mean letting them run the streets killing people. No that one must be separated for a time or sometimes a lifetime away from society.

Man's laws must be obeyed just as God's Law written on our heart must be obeyed.

Believers must be united with Christ in mind, body and soul. We must be happy within because He lives inside us. We must speak and have His Words flow as healing waters over the other. We must utter His Truths to correct wayward thinking so others have the ability to consider their own ways. We must encourage each other to pray and praise The One Who made a Way for us to be with Him in this life, and in the Life to come.