Now Is The Time

10/18/2023 11:43

Friend, now is the time to turn within; to examine yourself.

The world encourages new age meditation but God is not in that form of meditation.  

The Bible tells us to meditate on our "bed" day and night.

Most of us do that; we toss and turn, we sweat and cry.

The anger and sorrow emerges and we get sad and depressed because we have no answer. We just see more of the same being our lot.

But God asks us to turn our thoughts towards Him in these times of unknowing, not understanding, the beginnings of misery.

When we do, He meets us there; on our swing, gazing at the sky, in the old rocking chair on the front porch, sitting by shimmering water, listening to nature, resting on our bed, in silent prayer that leads to thoughts of who God is...

He is our Hope.

Yet at the same time, evil forces immediately get in the way, and bring sudden desires to our attention and if we let them, they win and we start roaming around looking for physical satisfaction in food, liquor, television, atheltic endeavours, and so on.

But all God desires, is we get to know Him, and He will give us Peace that passes our understanding.

Our mind will be relieved of it's frantic machinations when we come into the knowledge of God's Truth.

Where will you find that in a concentrated form? Somewhere we can return to again and again to get knowledge and understanding.

It's The Holy Bible, devised by God through the hands of men, to be a Godly History of Who He Is.

God wants you to know His Truth. He wants to tell you His Story.

He wants you to know The Factual Truth, of Himself, and what He is doing in His Kingdom.

And He wants to tell you about yourself.

Who you are to Him, why you are here, and how to find your way in the world.

The Bible is a work of God that speaks intimately to your soul and spirit within the flesh.

He intentionally wrote it in the fashion He did to fool those who think they are wise and could do better. But could they? Could they speak to men in different centuries, and decades, and then gather completely different men together, hundreds of years later; to bring His Living Word into One Holy God Testimony?

No none could do it. Bible scholars through the ages marvel at what He has done!

Friend, His Words can soothe. They can uplift, inspire, and encourage.

He explains how we can have an inner happiness; even when the world around us seems to be bearing down trying to destroy us.

He assures us of His Love when we tell Him we love Him.

He shows His Sovereignity to us, and paints word pictures of the realm in which He rules all of His Kingdom; in His Word.

He gives all the necessary information we need to have, to have Hope, and the tools we need, to live a good life.

Today is the day to recognise Him and read His Word. 

It's not a difficult read. He will help you.

But if you get ahead of Him, doing all your own thinking and judging, you will not receive the Perfect Truth, because your doubt clouds your mind.

He wants us to come to Him like a little child. 

Read His Word like it's the first thing you ever read; read it like you hear His Voice speaking to you through the Spirit filled Words.

And one day you will get Holy understanding and realise He "spoke" to you; your innermost soul and spirit, and you understood!